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Monthly Bulletin

CIRANO’s monthly bulletin reports on events to come and bring forth highlights which took place during the month and which we believe might be of interest to you.

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Research Program

CIRANO’s research program is articulated around our partners and researchers interests. Some of our projects directly address questions formulated by our public and private partners.

To address them, our researchers use the most advanced methods which are most likely to provide clear answers. Other subjects emanate directly from the researchers and reflect the research paradigms and methodologies used in their area of expertise.

Those researches lead to new avenues which often materialize into applied projects with our partners in the following years.

Annual Reports












Financial State

The financial statements auditing for the Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO), which comprise the statement of financial position as at May 31st, the statements of operations, changes in net assets and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. The financial statements are presented fairly, in all significant material respects, a true image of the financial position of CIRANO as at May 31st, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended, in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for non-profit organizations.

CIRANO Evaluations

The objective of the evaluations is to assess CIRANO’s performance with regard to the expectations of the funding by the Government of Quebec for the given period.

CIRANO’s evaluation reports are the result of a collaboration with several people without whom the works could not have been completed.

In this regard, we wish to thank all the people involved in any way in the production of the evaluation reports.

Particularly, our thanks are addressed to the personnel of the Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO) and to all Quebec government’s corporate services of the ministries involved.

We also want to thank the members of the evaluation committees which were established for the purpose of these mandates.

The objectives, role and operating mode of the evaluation committee are described below:

Objectives of the establishment of the committee:

Get better assurance that the evaluation report findings are valid and true to reality and that the resulting assessments are objective and in accordance with the evaluation framework for the given period.

Members selection

The selection of the members is made based on their knowledge and experience with the program or organization.

Role of the committee

Validate the framework and the evaluation report and make recommendations to the evaluator on the orientation of the work and the overall evaluation strategy while shedding light on important issues that may arise during implementation.