Taxation and government programs in Quebec |
On 26 February at CIRANO, around a hundred people took part in a day of reflection on taxation and government programmes in Quebec and on the lessons to be learned from the work of the Commission d'examen sur la fiscalité québécoise and the Commission de révision permanente des programmes in 2015. The day brought together the main architects of these two commissions, experts from academia and the public service, Carlos Leitão and Martin Coiteux, the ministers responsible for the two commissions at the time, and media representatives. They debated the major challenges facing Quebec today with lucidity, intelligence, rigour and sometimes a good dose of humour. Many thanks to our partners at the la Chaire en fiscalité et en finances publiques and the Centre sur la productivité et la prospérité – Fondation Walter J. Somers, who greatly contributed to the success of the day.
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CIRANO survey on the impact of teleworking on the productivity of Quebec's public service employees
CIRANO was mandated by the Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor (SCT) to evaluate the perceptions of Quebec's public service employees on the impacts and effects of teleworking, with a particular focus on productivity. A CIRANO survey of 37,572 employees, including 2,690 managers, revealed an overall positive perception of teleworking, particularly in terms of productivity, quality of work and work-life balance. However, certain challenges remain.
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CIRANO at the Paris AI Summit
At the AI Summit held in Paris, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, professor at Polytechnique Montreal, CIRANO researcher and Fellow, Thierry Warin, professor at HEC Montréal, expert at OECD-GPAI and CIRANO researcher and Fellow and Anne-Marie Hubert, CIRANO Invited Fellow, participated in several key events, actively contributing to discussions on artificial intelligence and its implications for the future of work, accessibility, sustainable finance, and open science.
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CIRANO takes part in discussions on the future 2025-2035 biofood policy
On 21 February 2025, Ingrid Peignier, Senior Director of Partnerships and Research Valorisation at CIRANO, took part in the « Cap sur la politique bioalimentaire 2025-2035 » discussion event, organised by MAPAQ in the presence of Minister André Lamontagne. This major event, which brought together nearly 200 participants, provided an opportunity to work towards defining a common vision and strategic directions for the next Quebec Biofood Policy (2025-2035).
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Call for Paper for "Women in Economics"
Are you a doctoral student or post-doctoral fellow conducting research in gender economics? You are invited to submit a paper proposal for the next edition of "Women in Economics" at Université Laval on April 11. The deadline to submit a proposal using this form is March 12, 2024.
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Welcome to Emmanuelle Arpin, new CIRANO researcher
CIRANO is pleased to welcome the new researcher! Emmanuelle Arpin is an assistant professor at the École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal. Her research is part of CIRANO Health theme.
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Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Corridor at the Time of CUSMA's Renegotiation and tariff measures
In a context where tariff measures could have a major impact on our trade flows, it's essential to exchange ideas early! On 13 March, join us at CIRANO to discuss critical issues and adaptation strategies at our 3rd annual GVCdtLAB conference. A rich programme with an exclusive presentation of the digital twin of the hyper-integrated Great Lakes and St. Lawrence region, expert panels and key ecosystem stakeholders.
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Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin speaker at the «Canada / Quebec / United States relations in the Trump 2.0 era» conference co-organised by Stéphane Paquin
Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin (Polytechnique Montréal and CIRANO) took part in the panel « The geo-economic and climate vision of Trump 2.0. Opportunities and challenges for Canada and Quebec », during which she discussed the economic aspects of tariffs and their impact on the Canadian and Quebec economies and supply chains.
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Interview with Julien Martin and Florian Mayneris on Canada's dependence upon the United States
In an interview with Le Devoir on 12 February 2025, Julien Martin and Florian Mayneris, both full professors at ESG UQAM and CIRANO researchers and fellows, discussed Canada's economic dependence upon the United States. Five years on, this dependence has not improved, and has even increased for some products. In this interview, the experts discuss the various options available to Canada to make its economy more resilient.
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CIRANO research community press review on US tariffs
A number of CIRANO members, including Thierry Warin (HEC Montréal), Julien Martin (ESG UQAM), Patrick Leblond (University of Ottawa) and Martine Hébert (former Quebec Delegate General to New York), Miville Tremblay, Stéphane Paquin (ÉNAP) and Florian Mayneris (ESG UQAM) speak out in the media about the tariffs imposed by the United States.
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Louise Roy, Chairman of CIRANO, recipient of the Prix 2025 de l'engagement bénévole de l'Université de Montréal.
Congratulations to Louise Roy, President of CIRANO's Board of Directors, for her nomination as recipient of the Université de Montréal's Volunteer Involvement Award at the Étincelles 2025 ceremony. The award was presented by Frantz Saintellemy, C.M. Chancellor of the Université de Montréal, in the presence of Rector Daniel Jutras and Michael Pecho, Vice-Rector, Alumni Relations and Philanthropy.
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Mélanie Bourassa Forcier co-researcher in a project supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Mélanie Bourassa Forcier, professor at ÉNAP, CIRANO researcher and Fellow, is part of a research team led by Lara Maillet, professor at ÉNAP, working on the project « Evaluation of the implementation of proximity management and the variation of effects in the context of reform within the Quebec healthcare system ». This project is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to the tune of $512,552.
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Jason Robert Guertin member of the Health Economics Methods Advisory group
Jason Robert Guertin, professor at Université Laval and CIRANO researcher, has been appointed as a member of the Health Economics Methods Advisory (HEMA) group, an international committee whose mission will be to examine and evaluate new methods and processes in health economics in an independent and detailed way.
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Catherine Beaudry receives the Award for Excellence in Research and Innovation
During the Poly en lumière ceremony held on 18 February 2025, Catherine Beaudry, professor at Polytechnique Montréal, CIRANO researcher and Fellow, was awarded the Prix d'excellence en recherche et innovation for her exceptional contribution to research and innovation, as well as to the influence and visibility of graduate teaching activities.
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Stéphane Paquin, co-author of the book « Louise Beaudoin. Entretiens »
Stéphane Paquin, full professor at the École nationale d'administration publique (ÉNAP), director of the Groupe de recherche et d'études sur l'international et le Québec (GERIQ) and CIRANO researcher, will publish the book « Louise Beaudoin. Entretiens » co-written with Mathieu Roy, published by Éditions du Boréal on 1 April 2025.
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Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Corridor at the Time of CUSMA's Renegotiation.
Thursday, March 13, 2025
2025 will be marked by profound economic and commercial uncertainties, amplified by the United States' announcement to impose 25% tariffs, disrupting the renegotiation of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA). How can we make the right judgments? What shocks are to be expected, and how should they be assessed? Which industries and investments should be prioritized? What opportunities can the GLSL corridor draw from this situation? How can data science help us make informed decisions? To answer this, we invite you to a unique day combining expert panels and collaborative working groups.
CIREQ-CIRANO-RRECQ Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Workshop
Friday, March 14, 2025
This workshop is addressed to researchers and PhD students in economics interested in natural resource and environmental economics.
The March 14 workshop will feature Alexandre Pavlov, student at Université de Montréal, and Nicolas Pinsonneault, student at HEC Montréal. |
Midi-webinar: The deleterious effects on mental health of restrictive measures in times of health crisis
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
The COVID-19 pandemic was a shock to the global economy, taking the world by surprise. In Quebec, as everywhere else, the restrictive measures implemented to manage the health crisis had significant consequences on people's lives. During this midi-webinar, Amy Cissé and Thomas G. Poder will explain the conclusions of their recent CIRANO study. |
CIRANO Meeting: Annual Meeting of CIRANO Researchers
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin and her management team will present upcoming activities and projects at the annual meeting of CIRANO researchers from 4:00 to 5:00 pm.
The meeting will be followed by a cocktail from 5 to 7 pm. |
How can we reduce the negative impact home deliveries?
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Online retailing is a growing phenomenon that is leading to an increase in home deliveries, generating significant volumes of GHG emissions. The logistical footprint is a growing concern in cities, particularly in dense urban areas where space, congestion and pollution are major issues. What can be done to mitigate the impact of home parcel deliveries? Jean-Philippe Meloche of Université de Montréal and Leandro Coelho of Université Laval have examined these issues in the specific case of the City of Montreal. |
External activity - Political Economy Approaches to the Study of Population Aging and Climate Change
Friday, April 4, 2025
The Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship (CSDC), CIRANO and the Maison des affaires publiques et internationales present a conference featuring Björn Bremer (Central European University) who will present "Taxing Uber Polluters? The Climate Crisis and Popular Support for Wealth Taxation" and Tim Vlandas (Oxford University), who will present his paper “Ageing democracies and the new electoral politics of economic stagnation” two professors of comparative political economy.
This conference will be moderated by Olivier Jacques, assistant professor at the Université de Montréal's School of Public Health and CIRANO researcher. |
External activity - Jacques-Parizeau 2025 Conference
Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Taking action against climate change will be expensive, but doing nothing will cost even more. Yet our climate policies seem to be a chaos of contradictory ideas: should we rely on the commitment of citizens and businesses, impose drastic restrictions, massively finance the transition or rely on technological innovation? Christian Gollier offers us a clear and rational reflection on the possible solutions. |
Women in Economics: 4th edition
Friday, April 11, 2025
The 4th edition of “Les Femmes en Économie” will be held on April 11 on the Université Laval campus. This year's guest speaker will be Nicole Fortin, full professor at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and CIRANO Associate Researcher and Fellow. She will present her study “Gender differences in career progress among PhDs in economics”. The event will once again be attended by Julie Gingras, Deputy Minister of Finance of Quebec. |
Webinaire Bourstad: Les choix de carrière pour les diplômés dans l’industrie des services financiers
Wednesday, April 30, 2025
In this webinar, Mélissa La Haye, CFA, Vice President, Institutional Markets, Fiera Capital Corporation, Benoit Desgroseillers, CHRP, Vice President, Talent Development, Finance Montréal and other representatives of CIRANO's partners in the Bourstad initiative will present the various careers offered by the financial services industry to graduates of the three levels of education and the pathways that lead to them. |
Bourstad webinar: Portfolio Management in a Bourstad Simulation
Thursday, February 13, 2025
CIREQ-CIRANO-RRECQ Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Workshop
Friday, February 14, 2025
Webinaire Bourstad: La gestion de portefeuille dans une simulation Bourstad
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Taxation and government programs in Quebec
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
CIREQ-CIRANO-RRECQ Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Workshop
Friday, February 28, 2025
CIRANO 2025 Montreal Econometrics Seminar
Friday, February 28, 2025
Webinaire Bourstad: L’investissement responsable dans le concours Bourstad
Monday, March 3, 2025
Bourstad webinar: Sustaining investment in the Bourstad Challenge
Thursday, March 6, 2025
For reflection
Canada–U.S. Trade in a Globalized Economy: Elasticities, Asymmetries, and Policy Imperatives
(Thierry Warin)
Project Reports
Enjeux de rentabilité et besoins des fermes de proximité en matière de commercialisation et de distribution de leurs produits
(Patrick Mundler, Karima Afif, Stevens Azima, Charlotte Drouin, Pascal Genest-Richard, ...)
Impact de la Politique-cadre en matière de télétravail sur les perceptions des employés et des cadres au sein de la fonction publique québécoise
(Benoit Dostie, Ingrid Peignier)
L’effet du coût des études supérieures sur les choix de filières stratégiques, scientifiques et mathématiques au Québec et au Canada
(Christian Belzil, Jörgen Hansen, Julie Pernaudet)