
PERSPECTIVES is CIRANO’s journal for the dissemination and valorization of research. Written in a format that is accessible to a wider audience, the articles in PERSPECTIVES provide visibility to the work and expertise of CIRANO's research community.

Through this dissemination tool, CIRANO seeks to reach the scientific community, the academic community and CIRANO's partners, including government policy makers, as well as, more broadly, the entire Quebec society.

As with all CIRANO publications, the articles are based on a rigorously documented analysis by CIRANO researchers and Fellows.

Each article has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) which guarantees the distribution, referencing and preservation of digital files according to international standards.

Editorial Policy

CIRANO ensures the scientific quality of its publications by a systematic review of articles by a reading committee made up of recognized specialists from the academic world.

All manuscripts submitted for publication in PERSPECTIVES are evaluated by external reviewers chosen by CIRANO's Scientific Committee for their field of expertise.

The articles published in PERSPECTIVES are the sole responsibility of their authors.

Articles must meet the academic requirements of the discipline, yet be understandable to a non-specialist readership.

Once published, a CIRANO Project Report or a CIRANO Working Paper could be published in PERSPECTIVES.

Articles are targeted at 3,000 words in length and must include a maximum of four figures or graphics.

A French version of articles published in English is always made available. Articles are accompanied by an abstract in French and English (about 200 words) and a maximum of five keywords.

The Chief editor provides support to authors throughout the writing process.

Linguistic revision, formatting and translation into French of articles published in English are provided by CIRANO’s team.

As with all CIRANO publications, CIRANO’s team assumes responsibility for the dissemination and valorization activities of the articles published in PERSPECTIVES.

The articles

Encadrer les livraisons à domicile : pas aussi simple qu’il n’y paraît

Jean-Philippe Meloche, François Vaillancourt, Martin Trépanier, Brigitte Milord and Feriel Grine


The negative effects that restrictive measures have on mental health during health crises

Amy Cissé and Thomas G. Poder

Covid-19 and Health

Yes, family doctors do move to remote areas. Here’s how

Bernard Fortin, Justin Ndoutoumou, Josette Gbeto and Maude Laberge


Attirer les médecins de famille en région ? Oui c’est possible

Bernard Fortin, Justin Ndoutoumou, Josette Gbeto and Maude Laberge


Les effets délétères sur la santé mentale des mesures de restrictions en période de crise sanitaire

Amy Cissé and Thomas G. Poder

Covid-19 and Health

Could reliable data on breast cancer actually save lives?

Tiffanie Perrault and Erin C. Strumpf


Et si l’accès à des données fiables sur le cancer du sein pouvait sauver des vies ?

Erin C. Strumpf and Tiffanie Perrault


S’attaquer aux crises épidémiologiques : oui, mais à quel prix ?

Mehdi Ammi, Raphael Langevin, Erin C. Strumpf and Emmanuelle Arpin


Pessimism could plunge us into a recession

Kevin Moran, Dalibor Stevanovic and Adam Abdel Kader Touré

Business Cycles and Economic forecasting

Réduire le gaspillage et les pertes alimentaires : Quels sont les facteurs de succès ?

Jacinthe Cloutier, Karima Afif and Marie-Claude Roy

Agri-Food and Environment

Where does our plastic waste go?

Sophie Bernard, Florence Lapointe and Julien Martin

Sustainable Development, World Economy and Environment

Mistaking immature classroom behaviour with ADHD

Catherine Haeck, Pierre Lefebvre, Geneviève Lefebvre and Philip Merrigan

Education and Health

Immigrant de deuxième génération et citoyen de second ordre ?

Brahim Boudarbat and Idossou Marius Adom

Immigration and Labour Market

Renoncer à la liberté : Comprendre les choix des détenus en matière de libération conditionnelle

Guy Lacroix and William Arbour

Skills and Inequality and Poverty

Dynamiques territoriales du bioalimentaire au Québec

Annie Royer, Patrick Mundler and Julie Ruiz

Agriculture and Agri-Food

Le soutien financier aux études postsecondaires a-t-il un impact sur les choix des jeunes ?

Christian Belzil and Julie Pernaudet

Human Capital, Skills, Education and Social Policies

L’écofiscalité comme outil de résilience et d’adaptation aux changements climatiques

Jean-Philippe Meloche

Sustainable Development, Environment and Taxation and Fiscal Policy

Le pessimisme risque de nous plonger dans une récession

Kevin Moran, Dalibor Stevanovic and Adam Abdel Kader Touré

Business Cycles and Economic forecasting

Take the train and climb the social ladder: The role of geographical mobility in the fight against inequality in Quebec

Yacine Boujija, Marie Connolly and Xavier St-Denis

Human Capital, Inequality and Distribution of Income and Labour Market

Monter dans le train et gravir l’échelle sociale: Le rôle de la mobilité géographique dans la lutte contre les inégalités au Québec

Yacine Boujija, Marie Connolly and Xavier St-Denis

Human Capital, Inequality and Distribution of Income and Labour Market

Où vont nos déchets plastiques ?

Sophie Bernard, Florence Lapointe and Julien Martin

Sustainable Development, World Economy and Environment

Baromètre de la confiance des consommateurs québécois à l'égard des aliments

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Ingrid Peignier and Thomas Gleize


Confondre comportements immatures en classe et TDAH

Catherine Haeck, Pierre Lefebvre, Geneviève Lefebvre and Philip Merrigan

Education and Health

S’attaquer à la sous-scolarisation des hommes sans nuire au succès des femmes

Catherine Haeck, Robert Lacroix and Richard E. Tremblay

Skills, Education and Inequality and Poverty

Les propriétaires de maisons ont-ils raison de craindre l’arrivée de logements sociaux dans leur quartier ?

Jean Dubé, François Des Rosiers and Nicolas Devaux

Inequality and Poverty, Infrastructures and Territories

Améliorer les compétences en mathématiques au Québec: Cinq recommandations tirées d’En avant math !

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Molivann Panot, Genevieve Dufour and Louise Poirier

Human Capital, Skills, Education and Labour Market

Les diverses facettes du travail hybride: Premiers résultats d’une enquête longitudinale sur la performance et la satisfaction au travail

Ali Béjaoui, Sylvie St-Onge, Ingrid Peignier and Felix Ballesteros Leiva

Work, Labour Market and Human Resources

Risques liés aux chaînes d’approvisionnement : réalité vécue et perceptions de la population du Québec

Thierry Warin

International Development, Economy, Strategy and International Economy and World Economy

Chaînes logistiques sous pression : Comment la science des données peut-elle aider ?

Thierry Warin

World Economy and Data Sciences

Supply chains under pressure: How can data science help?

Thierry Warin

World Economy and Data Sciences

Mesurer l’accès et la qualité des soins de première ligne au Québec : Réflexions issues de recherches sur la prise en charge des patients

Erin C. Strumpf, Laurie J. Goldsmith, Caroline E. King, Ruth Lavergne, Rita McCracken, Kimberlyn M. McGrail, Leora Simon and 2 other authors

Social Policies and Health

Measuring Access to and Quality of Primary Care in Quebec: Insights from Research on Patient Enrolment Policies

Erin C. Strumpf, Laurie J. Goldsmith, Caroline E. King, Ruth Lavergne, Rita McCracken, Kimberlyn M. McGrail, Leora Simon and 2 other authors

Social Policies and Health

Semi-annual review