CIRANO Pole on the Efficiency of Health Services and Policies


The CIRANO Pole on the Efficiency of Health Services and Policies brings together researchers interested in issues related to the health care system and the Quebec health care system. The health pole is made up of researchers from different universities and research fields. They work in partnership with various public organizations and health research centres (e.g., Institut national d'excellence en santé et services sociaux, CISSS and ICSUHS du Québec, Institut national de santé publique, Centre de recherche en santé publique, Direction régionale de santé publique de Montréal) as well as with many private organizations.

The pole's researchers are interested in the development and evaluation of health innovations, public health policies, the practices of health professionals, the use of health services, the determinants of health and social inequalities in health, as well as the financing and allocation of health resources. The work of the pole on health aims to contribute to improving the efficiency of health services and policies in Quebec.

Researchers in charge

Project coordinator or director

Researchers in charge

Health Pole


Université Laval
Student (Ph.D.)
Clermont Auvergne University
Student (Ph.D.)
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université Laval
Student (Ph.D.)
École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
École nationale d'administration publique (ÉNAP)
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
École nationale d'administration publique (ÉNAP)
Polytechnique Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université Laval
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université Laval
CIRANO Researcher
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université Laval
CIRANO Researcher
Université Laval
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université Laval
CIRANO Researcher
European Commission Joint Research Center in Ispra (Italy)
Vice-President Strategy and Government Relations
HEC Montréal
Senior Director of Partnerships and Research Valorization
CIRANO Researcher
Université de Montréal
Regular Research Professional
CIRANO Researcher
McGill University
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université Laval
CIRANO Associate Researcher
École des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP)
CIRANO Researcher
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
McGill University
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université de Montréal

Products and data

This search engine is not an exhaustive research tool, but rather should be considered as a "guide" for specific data or information research.

This search engine uses 5168 related to :

  • Population health status
  • Experience with health care and usage of the health care system
  • Organization, financing and costs of the system
  • Public health
  • Medical workforce and available resources
  • Demography (birth rate, mortality, life expectancy, etc.)

The year and geographical stratification, original source and hyperlink are available for each of the 5168 indicators.

The web exploration of 15 reliable health-related resources which are currently available to the general public contributed to this census.

  • Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
  • Commissaire à la santé et au bien-être – Quebec government (CSBE)
  • Unité de soutien SRAP Québec
  • Statistics Canada (the data collected was limited to transmissions for the years 2015 to 2018, with a few exceptions for specific and relevant subjects)
  • Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ)
  • Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec (MSSS)
  • Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ)
  • Public Health Expertise and Reference Centre (INSPQ)
  • Espace montréalais d'information sur la santé (EMIS)
  • Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ)
  • Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec (FMSQ)
  • Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ)
  • Data of Official Statistics on Québec
  • Données Québec
  • Canadian Cancer Society

CIRANO projects

Ongoing projects

Dynamic description of front-line services (DDS) in Quebec

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Alexandre Prud'homme


Care trajectories of heavy users: exploitation of data from the torsade cohort

Maude Laberge, Thomas G. Poder, Anaïs Lacasse, Catherine Hudon


Evaluating the effects of self-scheduling on health human resource staffing

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Carl-Ardy Dubois, Alexandre Prud'homme


The well-being of family doctors in québec: a key objective of an efficient healthcare system

Nadia Sourial, Maude Laberge, Erin C. Strumpf, Roxane Borgès Da Silva


Completed projects

Reducing the time to negotiate new reimbursable drugs in Canadian provinces: health and public expenditure effects

Réduction des délais de négociation des nouveaux médicaments dans les provinces canadiennes : effets sur la santé et sur les dépenses publiques - Publié le December 17, 2020

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Laura Lasio, Yanick Labrie, Mike Benigeri


Legislative imposition of mandatory minimum nursing staff ratios - What are the effects observed in health systems that have adopted such an orientation and what are the alternatives?

Effets des législations imposant des ratios minimaux obligatoires de personnel infirmier - Une synthèse des preuves scientifiques - Publié le June 16, 2020

Carl-Ardy Dubois, Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Mélanie Lavoie-Tremblay, Sean Clarke


What levers to mobilize to optimize the health and productivity of older workers (45 years and over) in the health and social services sector

Les problèmes de santé physique et mentale au travail dans le réseau de la santé: comprendre les causes et y remédier - Publié le June 10, 2022

Carl-Ardy Dubois, Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Alexandre Prud'homme, Kathleen Bentein , Alain Marchand

Health, Labour Market, Human Resources, Human Capital

Evolution of the care offer in CHSLDs and adequacy with the needs of residents

Évolution de l’offre de soins des besoins des résidents et des ordonnances de neuroleptiques dans les CHSLD - Publié le September 9, 2022

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Régis Blais, Sylvie Perreault, Alexandre Prud'homme, Réjean Hébert


Economic and non-economic impacts of involving patients and family caregivers in care and services and in the governance of care and services.

Impacts économiques et non économiques de l’implication des patients et des proches-aidants dans les soins et services et dans la gouvernance des soins et services - Publié le November 4, 2021

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Marie-Pascale Pomey, Janine Badr, Khayreddine Bouabida


Can activities be distributed more efficiently among health professionals?

Une meilleure répartition des activités entre les travailleurs de la santé : État de la situation, contraintes et facilitants - Publié le October 19, 2021

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Carl-Ardy Dubois, Régis Blais

Health, Human Resources, Labour Market, Human Capital

Assessing the effects of an innovation to improve access to psychosocial services in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and equity of access

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Carl-Ardy Dubois, Alexandre Prud'homme, Mathilda Abi-Antoun, Stéphane Rousseau, Annie Sapin Leduc

Health, Innovation

Design and implementation of a Pregnancy Notification System (PNS) in Montreal

Analyse du délai du premier suivi médical de grossesse dans le cadre du projet de conception et d’implantation d’un Système d’Avis de Grossesse à Montréal - Publié le August 7, 2020

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Mike Benigeri


Health at the heart of Quebec's economic recovery

La santé au cœur de la relance économique du Québec - Publié le September 3, 2020

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Claude Montmarquette, Erin C. Strumpf, Mélanie Bourassa Forcier, Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, Maude Laberge, Carl-Ardy Dubois, Thomas G. Poder, Bernard Fortin, Guy Lacroix, Raquel Fonseca, Pierre-Carl Michaud, Suzanne Bisaillon, Raphaël Godefroy


Risk Perceptions and Economic Recovery in the Event of a Pandemic by COVID-19

Perceptions des risques et relance de l’économie en situation de pandémie de la COVID-19 - Publié le September 3, 2020

Sabine Kröger, Charles Bellemare, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Ingrid Peignier

Experimental Economics

Asthmatic children and return to school in the context of COVID-19: determinants of parental decisions

COVID-19 : Comprendre et agir sur l’acceptabilité sociale des mesures de santé publique - Publié le May 11, 2022

Claude Montmarquette, Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Alexandre Prud'homme, Yann Arnaud, Jolianne Bolduc, Pierre Fontaine


Parents' perception of the risks associated with COVID-19 in relation to returning to school

Retour des enfants à l’école : intentions des parents d’enfants de Laval en contexte de pandémie (COVID-19) - Publié le May 9, 2022

Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Claude Montmarquette, Alexandre Prud'homme, Yann Arnaud, Pierre Fontaine, Jolianne Bolduc

Health, Experimental Economics

Management of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Quebec: An Analysis of the Human Resources Dimension

Gestion de la pandémie de COVID-19 - Analyse de la dotation en personnel dans les centres d'hébergement de soins de longue durée du Québec au cours de la première vague - Publié le June 20, 2023

Carl-Ardy Dubois, Roxane Borgès Da Silva, Alexandre Prud'homme


Health Indicators

This search engine is not an exhaustive research tool, but rather should be considered as a "guide" for specific data or information research.

This search engine uses 5168 related to :

  • Population health status
  • Experience with health care and usage of the health care system
  • Organization, financing and costs of the system
  • Public health
  • Medical workforce and available resources
  • Demography (birth rate, mortality, life expectancy, etc.)

The year and geographical stratification, original source and hyperlink are available for each of the 5168 indicators.

The web exploration of 15 reliable health-related resources which are currently available to the general public contributed to this census.

  • Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)
  • Commissaire à la santé et au bien-être – Quebec government (CSBE)
  • Unité de soutien SRAP Québec
  • Statistics Canada (the data collected was limited to transmissions for the years 2015 to 2018, with a few exceptions for specific and relevant subjects)
  • Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ)
  • Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec (MSSS)
  • Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ)
  • Public Health Expertise and Reference Centre (INSPQ)
  • Espace montréalais d'information sur la santé (EMIS)
  • Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ)
  • Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec (FMSQ)
  • Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec (OIIQ)
  • Data of Official Statistics on Québec
  • Données Québec
  • Canadian Cancer Society