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56th Annual Canadian Economics Association Meetings

Carleton University

From Tuesday 31 May 2022 at 10AM
To Saturday 4 Jun 2022 at 7:15PM

The 56th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association was held in a new mixed online and in-person format from May 31 to June 4, 2022.

The annual conference is the Canadian Economics Association's flagship event. Each year, in late May or early June, a variety of academic papers, state-of-the-art lectures and special sessions are presented. The conference is hosted by a Canadian university and participants come together (online or in person) to present their cutting-edge research, make connections, and participate in engaging lectures. 

A special CIRANO-JDI-Phelps-RIIB session was held on Friday, June 3 with 3 presentations including one by Laura Lasio, Assistant Professor at McGill University and Principal Investigator of the Competition theme at CIRANO, Robert Clark (Queen's University) and Christopher Fabiilli (Competition Bureau).

Several CIRANO researchers presented their most recent research work (Marcel Boyer, Marie Connolly, Benoit Dostie, Raquel Fonseca, John Galbraith, Jorgen Hansen, Étienne Lalé, Fabian Lange, Marie-Louise Leroux, Ming Li, Florian Mayneris, Dalibor Stevanovic, Nicolas Vincent, Huan Xie, ...).


Marcel Boyer

Marie Connolly

Benoit Dostie

Raquel Fonseca

John W. Galbraith

Jörgen Hansen

Étienne Lalé

Fabian Lange

Laura Lasio

Marie-Louise Leroux

Ming Li

Florian Mayneris

Dalibor Stevanovic

Nicolas Vincent

Nicolas Vincent is a full professor in the Department of Applied Economics at HEC Montreal and holds a PhD in Economics from Northwestern University.

He has been a CIRANO researcher since 2021 and his expertise is in macroeconomics, monetary economics, corporate investment decisions and finance.

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Huan Xie

A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2008, Huan Xie is Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at Concordia University.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Pittsburgh, she specializes in microeconomics, experimental economics, game theory and public finance.

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