
Labour economics, applied microeconomics, applied econometrics


A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2009, Marie Connolly is Full Professor in the Department of Economics at the École des sciences de la gestion of the Université du Québec à Montréal (ESG UQAM) and Vice Dean of Research at ESG UQAM. She is also founder and director of the Research Group on Human Capital.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University, her research is primarily empirical and touches upon various topics in labor economics, such as social mobility, the formation of human capital, the gender wage gap, subjective well-being, women’s labor force participation and the evaluation of public policy. She is also interested in the economics of popular music, including the resale of concert tickets and the environmental practices of rock bands.

Her work as been published in the Journal of Labor Economics, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization and the Canadian Journal of Economics, among others.

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CIRANO Publications by Marie Connolly

As an author

1 to 5 of 23 results

Take the train and climb the social ladder: The role of geographical mobility in the fight against inequality in Quebec

Yacine Boujija, Marie Connolly and Xavier St-Denis

Human Capital, Inequality and Distribution of Income and Labour Market

Monter dans le train et gravir l’échelle sociale: Le rôle de la mobilité géographique dans la lutte contre les inégalités au Québec

Yacine Boujija, Marie Connolly and Xavier St-Denis

Human Capital, Inequality and Distribution of Income and Labour Market

Mobilité géographique et transmission intergénérationnelle du revenu au Québec

Yacine Boujija, Marie Connolly and Xavier St-Denis

Inequality and Distribution of Income

Evaluating the relationship between income, survival and loss of autonomy among older Canadians

Marie Connolly, Akakpo Domefa-Konou and Marie-Louise Leroux


La mobilité sociale au Québec selon différents parcours universitaires

Marie Connolly, Catherine Haeck and Lucie Raymond-Brousseau

External Publications


As a speaker

CIRANO Projects

A comprehensive, structuring project on the state of the Quebec labor market

PROJET STRUCTURANT: Programmation de recherche à portée gouvernementale (PRPG) sur les politiques publiques et le marché de l’emploi - Publié le March 5, 2025

Benoit Dostie, Fabian Lange, Brahim Boudarbat, Marie Connolly, Luc Godbout, Genevieve Dufour

Education, Taxation and Fiscal Policy, Immigration, Innovation, Labour Market

The socio-economic benefits of catching up with boys in Quebec

Les avantages socioéconomiques d’un rattrapage de la diplomation des garçons au Québec - Publié le March 11, 2025

Fabian Lange, Marie Connolly

Geographic mobility and intergenerational transmission of income in Quebec

Take the train and climb the social ladder: The role of geographical mobility in the fight against inequality in Quebec - Publié le October 2, 2023

Marie Connolly, Xavier St-Denis

Inequality and Distribution of Income, Human Capital, Labour Market

The labour market during the COVID-19 crisis

Waiting for Recovery: The Canadian Labour Market in June 2020 - Publié le June 15, 2020

Fabian Lange, Marie Connolly, Catherine Haeck, Pierre-Loup Beauregard

Labour Market

Workforce modelling in the health and education sectors

Modélisation des effectifs dans les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation - Publié le August 3, 2021

Catherine Haeck, Marie Connolly

Education, Health, Human Capital, Human Resources

Social mobility in quebec and the role of universities

La mobilité sociale au Québec selon différents parcours universitaires - Publié le May 9, 2022

Marie Connolly, Catherine Haeck

Labour Market, Education

Quebec's Family Policies Evaluated on the Basis of the Employment Income Trajectories of Parents and Childless Women and Men

Les politiques familiales du Québec évaluées à partir des trajectoires de revenus d’emploi des parents et des personnes sans enfant - Publié le March 17, 2020

Catherine Haeck, Marie Connolly, Marie Mélanie Fontaine

Evaluation Of Projects, Programs and Public Policies, Social Policies

Study of the relationship between intergenerational income mobility and socio-economic characteristics during adolescence

Étude du lien entre la mobilité intergénérationnelle du revenu et caractéristiques socioéconomiques durant l’adolescence - Publié le February 24, 2020

Catherine Haeck, Marie Connolly, Anne-Charlotte Latour

Labour Market, Human Resources, Human Capital, Education