17 April 2019
Fourth meeting of the 2019 Cohort of Avant-Garde@CIRANO
The 2019 Cohort of Avant-Garde@CIRANO met on April 17, 2019 on "Environment and Climate Change" on "Environment and Climate Change".
12 April 2019
Seminar: Linking Government Assistance Programs to Public Transit to Network Performance - What Model for Quebec?
Jean-Philippe Meloche, Georges A. Tanguay and Ugo Lachapelle presented the results of the CIRANO report "Lier les programmes d’aide gouvernementale au transport en commun à la performance des réseaux - Quel modèle pour le Québec ?".
10 April 2019
Seminar: Evaluation of Interventions Focused on the Social Reintegration of Quebec Inmates
Guy Lacroix (HEC Montréal and CIRANO) presented the results of the CIRANO report "Évaluation des interventions axées sur la réinsertion sociale" (co-written with William Arbour and Steeve Marchand).
05 April 2019
Seminar: Breakage of Underground Infrastructure: What are the Associated Socio-Economic Costs? What are the Risks for Workers?
This seminar proposed an evaluation of all indirect costs (service interruption, congestion, intervention of emergency services, delay in the work, loss of reputation, etc.) related to the breakage of underground infrastructures and will identify the risks to which workers are exposed in the event...