27 May 2019
External Activity: 87th Congress of the Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS)
This conference, organized by CIRANO and the Quebec inter-University Centre for Social Statistics (QICSS), shed new light on the importance of access to quality data to inform public policy decision-making. This conference brought together experts from the academic and research communities within...
21 May 2019
Workshop: Sustainability in the Digital Age I - Resilience facing Global Changes
Organized by CIRANO, CRM, Future Earth, Ouranos, RCM2 and RMA, this workshop was the first of a series on the theme “Sustainability in the Digital Age”, organized under the leadership of Future Earth. The purpose of the workshop was to seed a global initiative around sustainability...
14 May 2019
CEO Seminar: Éric Martel
Mr Éric Martel, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hydro-Québec, shared his experience during a networking reception gathering researchers and business people. His presentation was on "Hydro-Québec: Innovative and Forward-looking".
10 May 2019
External Activity: CIREQ Montreal Econometrics Conference - Recent Advances on Bootstrap Methods
CIRANO was a partner of this event organized by Prosper Dovonon (Concordia University, CIRANO, CIREQ) and Sílvia Gonçalves (McGill University, CIRANO, CIREQ).