21 March 2019
External Activity: AI on a Social Mission Conference
CIRANO was a partner of the AI on a Social Mission Conference which took place on March 21 and 22, 2019, in Montréal.
18 March 2019
Seminar: The Relationship Between Class Size and Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills
Marie Connolly and Catherine Haeck (Université du Québec à Montréal and CIRANO) presented the results of the CIRANO report "Le lien entre la taille des classes et les compétences cognitives et non cognitives", published in October 2018.
14 March 2019
Workshop: Personalized Medicine: Legal and Economic Analyses in a Fast-Changing Field
This workshop entitled "Personalized Medicine: Legal and Economic Analyses in a Fast-Changing Field" is organized in collaboration with the Industrial Alliance Research Chair on the Economics of Demographic Change.
12 March 2019
External Activity: Revue Gestion HEC Montréal Launch
Gestion HEC Montréal invites you to participate in the launch of the new edition of the magazine, on the occasion of the release of its file on the energy transition and the role of the operator who has a trait on the news climate. Experts will be present for your talks with a breakfast.