Achat local, produits du terroir, tourisme gourmand et saveurs du Québec : Quelles sont les stratégies gagnantes ?

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Since the "Alimenter notre monde" Bio-food Policy came into effect, the Quebec government has aimed to further anchor the bio-food sector in the province by making “buying locally” one of the cornerstones of economic and social prosperity. By 2025, it has set itself the goal of adding $10 billion of Quebec content to bio-foods purchased in Quebec. In this context, the development of territorial brands has been a major focus over the past few years.

Are these initiatives successful? In a CIRANO study (Korai and Lambert, 2023), the authors answer this question and propose several avenues of reflection to better structure the development and supervision of territorial brands, and ensure that they become an increasingly important part of Quebecers' consumer habits.

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