20 February 2024
Webinaire Bourstad : La gestion de portefeuille dans une simulation Bourstad
In this webinar, experts Ian Gascon, President of Placements Idema and winner of the 1998 Bourstad competition, and Kelly Trihey, CFA, CEO of Trihey Financial Group, will explain how to manage a financial portfolio to grow a set of securities.
16 February 2024
Quebec infrastructure plan: interprovincial comparison and sustainability
During this seminar, authors Pierre-Carl Michaud (HEC Montréal, CIRANO), Marcelin Joanis (Polytechnique Montréal, CIRANO) and Louis Lévesque discussed a CIRANO study in which they conclude that the investments planned in the Quebec Infrastructure Plan (PQI) for the coming...
15 February 2024
Bourstad webinar : Portfolio Management in a Bourstad Simulation
In this webinar, the experts Erika Toth, CFA, and Paul Bourget, founder and director of the Bourstad project at CIRANO, explained how to manage a financial portfolio in order to make a set of securities grow.
09 February 2024
CIRANO-CIREQ Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
This workshop on natural resource and environmental economics hosted Justin Kakeu, Associate Professor at Université de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. The second speaker was David Benatia, Assistant Professor at HEC Montréal, who presented...