12 January 2024
CIRANO-CIREQ Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
This workshop on natural resource and environmental economics will host Éric Bahel, professor in the Department of Economics at Virginia Tech, who will present “Anonymous and Strategy-Proof Voting According to Subjective Expected Utility Preferences.” The second...
11 January 2024
External activity: Launch of the 2024 Edition of the Quebec Tax Report
The Launch of the 2024 Edition of the Tax Report in Quebec from the Chair in Taxation and Public Finance took place online on January 11, 2024. The event was organized in collaboration with the APFF and the Ordre des CPA du Quebec. The Report lists, using briefly explained graphs and tables, a...
18 December 2023
The evolution of the biofood sector in the territories of Quebec
How has the sectoral evolution of agricultural production shaped the territories of Quebec ? During this seminar, authors Annie Royer (Université Laval, CIRANO), Patrick Mundler (Université Laval, CIRANO) and Julie Ruiz (Université du Québec à...
12 December 2023
External activity: Measuring income inequality in Canada and the provinces
The Chair in Taxation and Public Finance, whose holder is Luc Godbout, professor at the University of Sherbrooke and CIRANO Researcher and Fellow, and the World Inequality Lab are organizing an online conference to present the results of a new study on inequalities in Canada since 1980. On...