04 March 2024
Webinaire Bourstad : L’investissement responsable dans le concours Bourstad
In this webinar, Thomas Estinès, co-director of the Groupe d'investissement responsable (GIR), will present shareholder proposals, a responsible investment strategy that GIR has been practicing for several years. Mr. Estinès will also present the main challenges of responsible...
28 February 2024
Thematic Year Symposium: Accelerate the transition to a sustainable and innovative biofood sector
For its annual 2023-2024 theme "Accelerating the transition to a sustainable and innovative biofood sector", CIRANO is mobilizing its network of biofood researchers to organize a one-day symposium bringing together all government partners involved in the Biofood Policy. This symposium is...
23 February 2024
CIREQ-CIRANO Webinar on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
The CIREQ-CIRANO Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics is organized in collaboration with CIRANO. It is a joint event with the economics departments of Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, McGill University and HEC...
22 February 2024
Integration of immigrants and visible minorities in Quebec and Canada
The integration into the job market in Quebec and Canada is determined more by belonging to a visible minority than by being an immigrant. Even if they were born in Canada, members of visible minorities seem to struggle to carve out a place for themselves in the job market. This is...