13 May 2020
[CANCELLED] External Activity: 60th Annual Congress of the Société canadienne de science économique (SCSE)
CIRANO is a partner of the 60th Annual Congress of the Société canadienne de science économique (SCSE) to be held May 13-15, 2020 at the University of Ottawa. Several CIRANO Researchers are members of the scientific committee of the congress: Catherine Haeck (Université...
04 May 2020
[CANCELLED] Workshop: Montreal Workshop on Markets with Frictions
The focus of the workshop organized by Fabian Lange (McGill University, CIRANO, CIREQ, IZA), Theodore Papageorgiou (McGill University, CIREQ) and Markus Poschke (McGill University, CIREQ, IAE, IZA) is new research, both theoretical and applied, focusing on markets where frictions, broadly defined,...
22 April 2020
Virtual meeting of the 2020 Cohort of Avant-Garde@CIRANO
The 2020 Cohort of Avant-Garde@CIRANO will meet virtually on April 22, 2020 on the theme "What renewed role for the State in the context of COVID-19 and post-COVID-19?".
22 April 2020
[CANCELLED] Third meeting of the 2020 Cohort of Avant-Garde@CIRANO
The 2020 Cohort of Avant-Garde@CIRANO will meet on April 22, 2020 on "What’s at Stake? Societal Impact of Artificial Intelligence".