11 September 2020
Seminar: Montreal Econometrics Seminar 2020-2021
Seminar organized in collaboration with CIREQ and the departments of economics of the universities of Montréal, Québec à Montréal, Concordia and McGill
03 September 2020
External Activity: Symposium on Public Finances in Quebec
Virtual symposium with an adapted, dynamic and interactive program: Speakers, panelists and facilitator all grouped together (with professional recording) and remote participants who can interact. Presentations, lasting a maximum of one hour, followed by a break. A different format for an equally...
27 August 2020
Virtual meeting of the 2020 Cohort of Avant-Garde@CIRANO
The 2020 Cohort of Avant-Garde@CIRANO met virtually on August 27, 2020 on the theme "Leadership in times of crisis".
04 August 2020
CIRANO-MELCC Workshop on Circular Economy
CIRANO and the Ministry of Environment and Fight Against Climate Change, in collaboration with the I-EDDEC Dialogue & Transfert, the Chair of Energy Sector Management at HEC Montréal, Université Laval and Polytechnique Montréal, organized the Workshop on Circular Economy....