07 December 2020
Virtual meeting of the 2020 Cohort of Avant-Garde@CIRANO
The 2020 Cohort of Avant-Garde@CIRANO met virtually on December 7, 2020 on the theme "Artificial intelligence and environment: the terms of the debate".
04 December 2020
Seminar: Montreal Econometrics Seminar 2020-2021
Seminar organized in collaboration with CIREQ and the departments of economics of the universities of Montréal, Québec à Montréal, Concordia and McGill
24 November 2020
Symposium: Opportunities and Challenges of the Digital Transformation
In preparation for the launch of the book Le Québec économique 9 : Perspectives et défis de la transformation numérique (Opportunities and Challenges of the Digital Transformation), CIRANO organized a half-day symposium on the theme of digital transformation. Authors of...
24 November 2020
Conference: Is Machine Learning a General Purpose Technology? Evidence from Online Job Postings
Keynote lecture by Avi Goldfarb, Rotman Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare and a professor of marketing at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto and author of Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence (2018), as part of the 2020 Conference of...