04 May 2022
CRJ-INRS symposium on university graduates
University Graduates: Socio-economic Perspectives on Graduation, Job Entry and Overqualification. This colloquium, organized by the Chaire-réseau de recherche sur la jeunesse du Québec and the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), provided an opportunity to report...
02 May 2022
Bourstad Webinar : Career Options for Graduates in Financial Services
In this webinar on 2022, May 2 , experts Benoit Desgroseillers, Finance Montreal, Lyne Groulx, Croesus, Samuel Tétreault, TD Bank Group and Melissa La Haye, Fiera Capital Corporation addressed various topics that may impact the industry's workforce needs: The...
28 April 2022
Montreal Series: CIRANO-CIREQ-RSI-CREEi 2022 Workshop on the Economics of Ageing
As part of the « Montreal Series on the Economy of Aging », the conference on the economy of aging took place on April 28 and 29. It was an open academic event that gathered international and national scientists studying the economics of ageing including Naoki Aizawa...
22 April 2022
Montreal Environmental and Natural Resources Economics Workshop
This day of conferences closed the season of the Environmental and Natural Resources Economics Workshops, presented with the support of CIRANO, CIREQ and Chaire Macroéconomie et Prévisions. Ron Chan (University of Manchester), Laura Taylor (Georgia Tech University), Ujjayant...