20 September 2023
CIRANO researchers' annual meeting and launch of CIRANO's 30th Anniversary Activities
2023-2024 marks CIRANO's 30th anniversary! A series of activities will be organized throughout the year in Quebec and Ontario to celebrate our 30 years of existence and highlight our research community and the expertise we have acquired over the years. Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin and her...
20 September 2023
Launch of CIRANO's 30th Anniversary Activities
2023-2024 marks CIRANO's 30th anniversary! A series of activities will be organized throughout the year in Quebec and Ontario to celebrate our 30 years of existence and highlight our research community and the expertise we have acquired over the years. The year's program will be unveiled...
20 September 2023
CIRANO researchers' annual meeting and launch of CIRANO's 30th Anniversary Activities
2023-2024 marks CIRANO's 30th anniversary! A series of activities will be organized throughout the year in Quebec and Ontario to celebrate our 30 years of existence and highlight our research community and the expertise we have acquired over the years. Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin and her...
06 September 2023
[DELAYED] Light trucks in Quebec - an analysis of buying motivations and retailers' sales practices
On September 6, at this seminar, the authors will present two CIRANO research projects that are part of a vast study entitled « Understanding the rise of light trucks in Canada in order to reverse the trend », coordinated by Équiterre.