03 October 2023
Launch of the book « L'Université à l'épreuve du temps. Modèles du Québec et d'ailleurs »
On Tuesday, October 3, 2023, the book “L'Université à l'épreuve du temps. Modèles du Québec et d'ailleurs” has been launched. This book written by Louis Maheu, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology at the Université de...
02 October 2023
Round Table on Macroeconomic perspectives
The Chaire de recherche en macroéconomie et prévisions ESG UQAM, in collaboration with CIRANO, ASDEQ, CFA Montréal and CIREQ, organized a round table on the Macroeconomic Perspectives on October 2, 2023 from 3pm to 5pm. The round table was composed of 5...
26 September 2023
Analysis of the results of phase 2 (spring 2023) of the longitudinal project on hybrid work modes
This event will first compare results obtained during the two phases of the project (summer 2022 and spring 2023) with regard to the following attitudes of employees working under different hybrid work arrangements: productivity, commitment, performance, supports received, job satisfaction,...
22 September 2023
2023 NBER-NSF Time Series Conference
The NBER-NSF Time Series Conference is organized this year by the Department of Economics at ESG-UQAM under the aegis of professors Alain Guay and Dalibor Stevanovic, CIRANO Researcher and Fellow and Main researchers of the theme Economic and Fiscal Policy. The...