05 December 2023
Workshop: Montreal Macro Brown Bag
The 11th edition of the joint brownbag for macro research in Montreal will take place on Tuesday December 5 at CIRANO. The Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag gives Montreal-based researchers in macroeconomics the opportunity to meet and discuss each others’ work. The event bring together...
29 November 2023
Workshop “Experimental and behavioural research”
On November 29, 2023, CIRANO hosted the second workshop of the Behavioural and Experimental Research Group at CIRANO organized by Sabine Kröger and Huan Xie . Researchers and Fellows CIRANO and researchers in the province of Québec who conduct experiments on...
21 November 2023
External activity - Québec Mines + Energy Congress: Innovative technologies and ESG
(Sans texte)
16 November 2023
External Activity : Virtual Roundtable " Inequality Labour Market Power in the Post-Pandemic Period"
The last few decades have seen an increase in the concentration of firms within many industries, and stagnant wage growth for many workers. Markus Poschke (Economics, McGill University, CIRANO & CIREQ), Barry Eidlin (Sociology, McGill University & CIREQ) and Baris Kaymak (Federal Reserve...