Productions sans quota et commercialisation en circuits courts - Statut et enjeux

In Canada, the poultry (chickens and turkeys), egg (table and hatching), and dairy sectors are under supply management. The system helps control production volumes, ensuring that supply responds to domestic demand, fixes prices so that producers can cover their costs, limits the importation of these items, and reduces price volatility.

Given the context, our report (titled Non-quota Production and Marketing in Short Supply Chains: Status and Issues) explores the following items to help stakeholders analyze and understand the issues: 
- a primer on supply management and collective marketing in Canada
- an analysis of the issues around non-quota production sold in short supply chains
- the situation and evolution of production in other provinces and an in-depth comparison among Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec
- the current state of non-quota production in Quebec and the concerns of various stakeholders
- the profitability of small-scale agriculture
- the consequences for sectors under supply management of a possible increase in the amount of poultry, eggs and milk that farmers can produce without a quota
- the potential sanitary and biosecurity risks

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