Déclaration des incidents et des accidents dans les établissements du réseau de la santé
Propositions de révision du formulaire de déclaration AH-223
It is now mandatory to report any incident or accident that occurs during the provision of health services and social services in all institutions of the Quebec health care system. The definitions of accident and incident provided by the Act identify the type of event to report. The declaration form is the basis of the reporting process. It is equivalent to a photo taken when the incident or accident was detected. It must make it possible to document the events which occurred and to identify high-risk situations. It must make it possible to know the facts and to provide objective information that replaces the event in its context. The ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) and the Groupe national d'aide à la gestion des risques et à la qualité have mandated us to make proposals to revise the AH-223 form. The objectives of this mandate were to report on the current situation in the province's institutions as well as to make a critical analysis of the AH-223 form in order to draw attention to information enabling preparation of a reporting form model. In the first part of this report, we will define the methodology upon which our analysis is based. We will then give a brief history of the AH-223 incident/accident report and of the objectives envisaged when it was designed. In the third part, we will analyze the current situation in the system's institutions on the basis of the answers to a questionnaire sent out to all the province's institutions. In the fourth part, we will describe, section by section, the AH-223 form currently proposed by the MSSS. We will analyze the contents and the information requested as well as its use, and will suggest a certain number of modifications. Lastly, we will make revision proposals with respect to its format (use of a computerized form) and its contents (description of each section). Our final recommendations will be grouped in three categories: the AH-223 form, the creation of the local register and the contents of the provincial register.
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No date is fixed to share the complete version of the document.