Propagation des risques biotechnologiques : Le cas du maïs StarLink

This document presents the StarLink corn case in four sections. The StarLink corn had been approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1998 for use only in animal food and other non-alimentary industrial products, due to the potential human allergy reactions. But in September 2000, StarLink corn was found in the human food supply sold in the American market, in exportation of corn and in the environment. The first section of this StarLink corn case study shows the context where this corn was created and marketed, and different events that ended up in contamination of the food system and of the environment. The second section explains StarLink economics impacts resulting of this spreading in the food system and its consequences for the Government Sector. The third section addresses the StarLink corn case and the risks of GMO; point to issues of the future: current regulatory system and public policies. In the fourth section concludes the StarLink case and issues related to environmental risk factors, organizational risk factors and use of precautionary principle are discussed.
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