13 June 2022
Challenges and promises of tax reform
Any tax reform must adapt to the economic reality of the 21st century and ensure a tax system that is "more equitable, progressive, fair and that integrates environmental and digital taxation as well as the gender perspective." This quote is taken from the March 2022 report of the...
10 June 2022
International Conference of the Observatory for Child Health and Education (OPES)
Organized in collaboration with the CIQSS, the objective of this international conference of the Observatory for Children's Education and Health (OPES) on June 10, 2022 was to present the state of scientific knowledge, identify research priorities and propose effective and innovative...
09 June 2022
From bank and securities regulation to corporate governance
On June 9, 2022 from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m., David Ramos Muñoz, Associate Professor of Business Law at the University Carlos III of Madrid and CIRANO Visiting Researcher, will give a lecture on Sustainable Finance: From Banking and Securities Regulation to Corporate Governance.
06 June 2022
Webinar - Putting the “I” in ESG
The establishment of the Montréal centre of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) creates an opportunity for Canada to become a world a leader in sustainability standards and economic reconciliation by ensuring that ESG incorporates Indigenous reporting. In this webinar,...