CIRANO Pole on the Socio-economic Impacts of Digital Intelligence


CIRANO naturally positions itself as a leading research centre for the study of the socio-economic impacts of digital intelligence. It will thus be able to support the Government of Quebec and organizations in making decisions that are adapted to this new economic and technological context.

Researchers in charge

Project coordinator or director

Digital innovation is based on the use of new tools from data sciences (e.g. machine learning, artificial intelligence), and uses the latest information and communication technologies to better leverage the information contained in ever-growing massive data sets (e.g. the Internet of Things and People, collaborative applications).

Digital innovation will continue to have a transformative effect on the Québec economy and sometimes even a disruptive effect. It is essential that public policies take this new environment into account, on the one hand to support and stimulate productivity and innovation and, on the other hand, to effectively manage the economic and social consequences of this ongoing transformation.

In response to these challenges, CIRANO naturally positions itself as a leading research centre for the study of the socio-economic impact of digital innovation. It will thus be able to support the Government of Quebec and organizations in making decisions that are adapted to this new economic and technological context.

This pole ensures a transversal link between CIRANO's various research themes. It connects researchers and partners to foster the development of multidisciplinary work teams. It stimulates discussion and exchange through meetings and conferences. Finally, it provides a link with many organizations, partners or levels of government.

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Research programming

Economic development and territorial issues

Research on the evaluation of economic spinoffs for Montréal and Québec, regional development, competitiveness clusters, international connectivity, the role of universities and colleges in regional innovation ecosystems, etc.

Transformation of private and public organizations

Studies on programs to help SMEs transform, level of adoption of new technologies by Québec companies, business retention, competition analysis, innovation and technology commercialization in Canada and abroad, government adaptation in its relations with citizens, taxation, etc.

Socio-economic impacts

Research on the effects of the use of new technologies, the need for business support for the continuing training of workers, the attraction of women in the new technologies sector, wage polarization, accessibility, inequality, social acceptability, level of understanding of AI and massive data by the general public, experimental approach to analyzing behaviours associated with the sharing economy and digital technologies, etc.

Examples of research questions include

What will be the demographic, employment, inequality, industrial structure, competitiveness, education, and health impacts of digital innovations in the various regions of Quebec?

What are the repercussions on public or private organizations in terms of the adoption of digital innovations (the difficulties encountered, the measures used to facilitate adoption, the impacts on jobs, the tasks assigned, the training required, acceptability, etc.)?

What are the interactions between digital innovations and other forces affecting the Québec economy, such as the aging of the population and the internationalization of the economy?

Researchers in charge

Digital Intelligence Pole


Vice-President Research Funding
Université de Montréal
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Concordia University
CIRANO Researcher
Université de Montréal
Director of Major Collaborative Projects
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Concordia University
Regular Research Professional
Projects Director
Senior Director of Partnerships and Research Valorization
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Université Laval
CIRANO Associate Researcher
École des hautes études en santé publique (EHESP)
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
HEC Montréal


CIRANO projects

Ongoing projects

The adoption of ia's solutions in quebec: current situation - how are companies preparing?

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Genevieve Dufour

Innovation, Digital Transformation

Portrait of the socio-economic stakes of the arrival of artificial intelligence in the various bio-food sectors

Thierry Warin, Annie Royer, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Ingrid Peignier

Innovation, Digital Transformation, Agri-Food

AI and sustainable finance: the impact of artificial intelligence in the evaluation and communication of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Manuel Morales, Rheia Khalaf, Michel Magnan, Robert Normand, Alexis Hannart

Digital Transformation, Governance

Completed projects

Comparison of Quebec companies' strategies with those of the rest of Canada for the adoption of new digital technologies

Stratégie de mise à niveau technologique des entreprises québécoises - Publié le January 10, 2023

Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour

Digital Transformation, Innovation

Formal employment-related training in a context of digital transformation and labour shortage: state of play

La formation liée à l’emploi dans un contexte de transformation numérique: état de la situation - Publié le October 22, 2021

Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour

Digital Transformation, Labour Market, Education, Human Resources

Impacts of digital and AI on professional orders and professionals

Les pratiques numériques des professionnels au Québec - État des lieux et pistes de réflexion pour accompagner le virage numérique - Publié le November 17, 2021

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Benoit Dostie, Christophe Mondin

Digital Transformation, Innovation

OBVIA barometer piloted by the "Watch and surveys" function on the concerns of the population and the perceived benefits of AI and digital technology

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Christophe Mondin, Thierry Warin, Lyse Langlois, Peter Szewczyk

Innovation, Digital Transformation

Benchmarking of ia ecosystems to identify best practices in training and knowledge transfer

Analyse comparative d’écosystèmes en IA dans le but de repérer les pratiques innovantes en matière de formation et de transfert de connaissances - Publié le November 7, 2022

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Benoit Dostie, Thierry Warin, Ariane Durand

Digital Transformation, Innovation

Evolution of the productivity distribution of Quebec firms between 2001 and 2016

Évolution de la distribution de la productivité des entreprises québécoises entre 2005 et 2019 - Publié le October 15, 2024

Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour

Digital Transformation, Innovation, Human Capital, Labour Market

Digital Competency Index (DCI) - Evaluation and dissemination of a tool for measuring individual and organizational digital competencies

Simon Bourdeau, Régis Barondeau, Claudine Bonneau

Digital Transformation

Towards the New Bio-Economy: Bio-manufacturing as a Strategic Economic Development Initiative for Quebec

Towards the new bioeconomy: Bio-manufacturing as a strategic economic development initiative for Quebec - Publié le January 11, 2023

Bryan Campbell, Michel Magnan

Digital Transformation

Evolution of the productivity distribution of Quebec firms between 2001 and 2016

Benoit Dostie, Genevieve Dufour

Digital Transformation