Efficiency at the heart of the Quebec health care system


For many years, health research at CIRANO has contributed to improving our understanding of the impacts of current and future changes, assessing the impacts of policies put in place, and proposing cutting-edge evaluation methods applied to evidence-based data.

Drawing on the CIRANO research community's expertise in healthcare and other related and complementary fields, several research and knowledge transfer activities will address various aspects of the annual theme “Efficiency at the heart of the Quebec health care system”.

Under the aegis of Health theme main researchers Roxane Borgès Da Silva (Université de Montréal), Pierre-Carl Michaud (HEC Montréal) and Erin Strumpf (McGill University) and the CIRANO Pole on the Efficiency of Health Services and Policies Carl-Ardy Dubois (Université de Montréal), activities for the 2024-2025 theme year will focus on four main areas:

1. Elder care

2. Human resources issues

3. Public health

4. Digital transformation

Several CIRANO researchers and Fellows have unique expertise in the issues to be addressed in 2024-2025, and work in recognized research centers and chairs. Other researchers associated with the Skills theme and the Innovation and Digital Transformation theme will also contribute to the activities of the thematic year. Various activities related to the annual theme will be organized throughout the year, some of which are already planned.

A series of articles in CIRANO PERSPECTIVES journal will be published during the year to highlight project reports that fall within one or other of the four main research themes of the thematic year. At the end of the year, all these articles will be gathered together and published in a special issue of the journal.

Events and News


1 to 6 of 159 results

La prestation de soins informels et l’offre de travail au Canada

Paul Gomme, Tatyana Koreshkova and Damba Lkhagvasuren


Yes, family doctors do move to remote areas. Here’s how

Bernard Fortin, Justin Ndoutoumou, Josette Gbeto and Maude Laberge


The negative effects that restrictive measures have on mental health during health crises

Amy Cissé and Thomas G. Poder

Covid-19 and Health

Incentivizing Physicians’ Diagnostic Effort and Test with Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection

David Bardey, Philippe De Donder and Marie-Louise Leroux


État de situation, constatations et pistes de réflexion pour la transformation des services préhospitaliers vers le numérique

Daniel J. Caron, Vincent Nicolini, Alan Bernardi and Aude Motulsky


Impact des mesures incitatives et coercitives sur le lieu de pratique des nouveaux médecins de famille

Bernard Fortin, Justin Ndoutoumou, Josette Gbeto and Maude Laberge



Growing interest in sustainable development issues is reflected in rising expectations for concrete action to be taken by companies on environmental, social and good governance issues. In response to these trends, companies in all sectors, including the bio-food sector, are being encouraged more than ever to take action to better integrate ESG factors into their operations and business strategy.

Researchers will be looking at a multitude of topics and exploring different approaches to encourage the transition to a sustainable biofood sector, including raising consumer awareness, evaluating policies and regulations, and developing innovative practices. In particular, the digital transition and the emergence of artificial intelligence in the field of agriculture are positioning themselves as a veritable revolution. They enable the optimization of crops, the limitation of losses and the rationalization of production, as well as the optimization of crop production on the territory.

The challenges are numerous. It also raises issues of manpower and skills transformation. This theme encourages collaboration with players in the agricultural sector, the food industry, the government and the financial sector. Indeed, the financial sector in particular is playing a growing role in the transition to more responsible business practices.

Building on its research expertise in biofood economic and technological issues, workforce issues, energy issues, environmental and climate risk management, and responsible finance, CIRANO will be organizing various research activities in 2023-2024 around these issues. Several research projects will be carried out this year on these themes. This will result in the publication of several research reports and articles in the PERSPECTIVES journal, and the organization of scientific events, several of them will be held in Quebec City in collaboration with our research community at Université Laval and our government partners.

Agrifood, a transforming and strategic sector

Events and News


1 to 6 of 78 results

Enjeux de rentabilité et besoins des fermes de proximité en matière de commercialisation et de distribution de leurs produits

Patrick Mundler, Karima Afif, Stevens Azima, Charlotte Drouin, Pascal Genest-Richard, Simone Ubertino and 1 other authors

Agriculture and Agri-Food

PERSPECTIVES - Revue 2023 - 2024 - Volume 1 N˚Spécial


Agriculture and Agri-Food

Consultation des partenaires gouvernementaux pour l’actualisation de la Politique bioalimentaire 2018-2025 du gouvernement du Québec

Ingrid Peignier, Sophie Bernard, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Annie Royer and Lota Tamini


Autonomie financière et activités d’exportation des PME du secteur bioalimentaire : Planifier adéquatement les dépenses à engager

Josée St-Pierre, Annie Royer, Crispin Enagogo and Jean Pierre Dany Menguele


La prise en compte des risques ESG dans les entreprises agroalimentaires québécoises

Olivier Boiral, David Talbot, Laurence Guillaumie and Marie-Christine Brotherton

Agri-Food and Sustainable Development

Réduire le gaspillage et les pertes alimentaires : Quels sont les facteurs de succès ?

Jacinthe Cloutier, Karima Afif and Marie-Claude Roy

Agri-Food and Environment


Each year CIRANO identifies a theme that will structure part of its scientific activities. The annual theme for 2022-2023 has been chosen by our researchers and partners: Tackling the challenges of supply chains

In the complex economic context we are currently faced with the pandemic and current issues related to labour shortages, climate challenges, and the economic situation related to the war in Ukraine, this theme will explore the various issues related to supply chains.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of industries to supply chain disruptions. This is compounded by transportation disruptions, energy and commodity price increases. Addressing these challenges can also help to create local opportunities in terms of innovation capacity and environmental impact.

Under the aegis of the principal researchers of the Global Economy and Territories theme and the CIRANO Pole on Data Science for Trade and Intermodal Transportation, the 2022-2023 research program will adopt this thematic approach by organizing several activities and conferences on the subject. 

Events and News


1 to 6 of 170 results

Macroeconomic Impacts of a Canada-U.S. Tariff War

Julien Martin, Kevin Moran and Dalibor Stevanovic

World Economy

Impacts macroéconomiques d’une guerre tarifaire Canada–États-Unis

Julien Martin, Kevin Moran and Dalibor Stevanovic

World Economy

Encadrer les livraisons à domicile : pas aussi simple qu’il n’y paraît

Jean-Philippe Meloche, François Vaillancourt, Martin Trépanier, Brigitte Milord and Feriel Grine


Encadrer les livraisons à domicile pour réduire les impacts négatifs du commerce de détail électronique dans les villes

Jean-Philippe Meloche, François Vaillancourt, Martin Trépanier, Brigitte Milord and Feriel Grine


Measuring Competitiveness in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Region Using a Digital Twin: A Geospatial Data Science Approach

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Martin Trépanier and Thierry Warin

World Economy


The Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO) presents its annual theme for 2021-2022: Skills and the Labour Market 

This theme will explore some of the issues of the labour market, highlighting the effects of the crisis of the COVID-19 such as the need to support workers who have lost their jobs but also opportunities that may arise in this crisis such as the transformation of workplaces. 

Issues around labor market analysis, labor shortage, labor productivity, workers' skills (upgrading or reskilling), numeracy level, new forms of work or major changes in the labor market due to the health crisis will be studied by our researchers. Organizational models are being disrupted and corporate culture is being shaken up, especially by the adoption of massive telecommuting. Today's challenges are numerous and complex. All organizations, both public and private, need to collaborate and exchange to better prepare for the challenges of the future. 

Under the aegis of the principal investigators of the "Skills" major theme, the 2021-2022 research program will adopt this theme by organizing several activities and conferences on the subject. CIRANO's various products, the Québec économique, the CIRANO Barometer and Mondo.international will also take on this theme. 

Events and News


1 to 6 of 227 results

La propriété des employeurs du Québec, 2023: la place des francophones

François Vaillancourt and Amélie Sintes


Capital humain et entrepreneuriat

Moïse Drabo and Raquel Fonseca


Emploi, conflit travail-famille et qualité de vie reliée à la santé pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 au Québec

Amy Cissé, Thomas G. Poder, Jaunathan Bilodeau and Amélie Quesnel-Vallée

Covid-19, Labour Market and Health


Each year CIRANO identifies a theme that will structure part of the scientific activities. Given the special context in which we find ourselves due to the pandemic and, by the same token, the rapid transformation of society in all aspects of digital technologies, CIRANO has chosen to continue in 2020-2021 on the same theme as last year, but in a context with and after COVID-19 where "society will have become more digital".

This continuation of our theme will allow us to further explore certain current issues, particularly in light of the effects of the COVID-19 crisis, but also of the opportunities that may arise in this crisis, such as the acceleration of the adoption of digital technology in certain sectors, for example. Issues around workers' skills, numeracy levels, new forms of education, telework, telemedicine, to name but a few, but also issues of inequalities that may emerge will be studied by our researchers.

The acceleration of the digital transformation will have many effects on the functioning of private and public organizations as well as for all stakeholders in society. 

Events and News




1 to 6 of 97 results

Le parcours des barons québécois des médias

Pierre Lortie

Digital Transformation

Évolution de la distribution de la productivité des entreprises québécoises entre 2005 et 2019

Benoit Dostie and Genevieve Dufour

Innovation and Digital Transformation

Investissement dans les innovations, croissance de la productivité totale des facteurs et commerce international des PME manufacturières québécoises

Alphonse Singbo, Cokou Patrice Kpadé and Lota Tamini

Strategy and International Economy, World Economy, Innovation and Digital Transformation

Évaluation des compétences numériques dans les emplois au Québec et au Canada

Benoit Aubert, Thierry Warin, Simon Bourdeau, Thibault Sénegas and Jeremy Schneider

Skills and Digital Transformation

La diplomatie à l’heure de la science des données : réflexions stratégiques et perspectives

Thierry Warin, Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin, Sarah Elimam, Molivann Panot and Jeremy Schneider

International Development, Data Sciences and Digital Transformation


Each year CIRANO identifies a thematic which will structure part of the scientific animation. Aligned with our strategic plan, the chosen thematic for 2019-2020 is: Digital transformation and AI.

This thematic will allow for the exploration of current issues such as the effects of digital transformation on employment and training, and the transformation of private and public organizations.

Our 2019-2020 research programming will adopt this thematic by organizing several activities and conferences on that subject. CIRANO’s products, Le Québec Économique, CIRANO’s Barometer and Mondo International will also adhere to this thematic.

The 9th edition of Le Québec économique will cover this thematic and will be structured around research projects stemming from the Pôle CIRANO sur les impacts socio-économiques de l’innovation numérique et de l’IA.

Apart from the general questions raised in CIRANO’s Barometer, a specific case study on the concerns of Quebeckers in regards to the issues of AI will be undertaken for the second year in a row in 2019. The book Le Québec économique 9 will focus on this theme, which will also give rise to conferences with partners and other relevant stakeholders in Québec.

The site of Mondo International will present data concerning, for example, investments in research and development, number of patents in AI in different countries, etc. This will allow for a comparison of Québec and Canada data with the rest of the OECD countries as a first step, and the rest of the world as a second step.

Events and News




The Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO) presents its annual theme for 2018-2019: Sustainable Development.

Explore current issues related to the environment and climate change such as social and international sustainable development issues, green growth and innovation, energy transition, and public policies that promote sustainable development.

The annual theme of Sustainable Development is in line with CIRANO's research concerns and several researchers, in all fields of expertise, are already studying the many issues related to it.

CIRANO's 2018-2019 research program reflects CIRANO's interest in this theme with several activities and conferences on the subject as well as various analyses through the various CIRANO products.

Events and News


1 to 6 of 200 results

Enjeux de rentabilité et besoins des fermes de proximité en matière de commercialisation et de distribution de leurs produits

Patrick Mundler, Karima Afif, Stevens Azima, Charlotte Drouin, Pascal Genest-Richard, Simone Ubertino and 1 other authors

Agriculture and Agri-Food

PERSPECTIVES - Revue 2023 - 2024 - Volume 1 N˚Spécial


Agriculture and Agri-Food

La prise en compte des risques ESG dans les entreprises agroalimentaires québécoises

Olivier Boiral, David Talbot, Laurence Guillaumie and Marie-Christine Brotherton

Agri-Food and Sustainable Development

Réduire le gaspillage et les pertes alimentaires : Quels sont les facteurs de succès ?

Jacinthe Cloutier, Karima Afif and Marie-Claude Roy

Agri-Food and Environment

Réduction des pertes et gaspillages alimentaires au Québec : barrières et facteurs de succès

Jacinthe Cloutier, Karima Afif and Marie-Claude Roy

Agri-Food and Sustainable Development

Where does our plastic waste go?

Sophie Bernard, Florence Lapointe and Julien Martin

Sustainable Development, World Economy and Environment


The Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO) presents its annual theme for 2017-2018: education.

An accessible and efficient education system allows an economy to grow while facing the challenges of the future. Beyond international trade in goods and services, developed economies are increasingly relying on the human capital that can be accumulated through investment in education to differentiate themselves in their ability to assimilate and implement new technologies and to innovate.

Education is one of CIRANO's research concerns and several researchers are studying the various contemporary issues of the education system.

During the year, several activities and conferences will be organized on this theme. Finally, CIRANO products will adopt education in several analyses.

CIRANO Products

Le Québec Économique

With realistic portraits and quality analyses, “Le Québec économique” project aims to fuel debate on issues that interest and affect all Quebecers. By contributing to the understanding of current issues, “Le Québec économique” is a must on the Quebec economic scene.

Created in 2009 with the purpose of taking stock of the recession aftermath, “Le Québec économique” has evolved over the years. As a CIRANO flagship project, it now comprises:

  • The Québec économique website: The informational portal on current Quebec economy
  • Seven collective works of Le Québec économique series
  • A publication in the “Point de mire sur le Québec économique” collection

Collective works of Le Québec économique series

The books of Le Québec économique series focus on the vulgarization of research and bring together a set of chapters from various authors. Some of the chapters are of a general nature, but the majority of the chapters are part of a chosen theme for each volume. These thematic chapters derive mainly from projects carried out at CIRANO or from its associated researchers. Each chapter addresses an aspect of the chosen theme and eventually proposes avenues for reflection on public policy avenues that could be followed by Quebec to reach its objectives on these matters.

More details


Mondo is a unique database that simultaneously provides macroeconomic data, data on international commerce as well as sectorial and innovation data. Beyond those variables, this represents a paradigm change. We believe that traditional databases are focused on a mercantile approach and may lead to biased analysis. By having access to sectorial data, we incite the user to think in terms of a meso-economic context. This data brings us closer to the reality of globalization and translates into the implementation of global value chains (GVC) from multinational companies (MNC). The thought process is motivated by the consideration of those GVC and the reasons for the attractiveness of certain sectors in emerging countries.

More details

Events and News


1 to 6 of 367 results

Emploi, conflit travail-famille et qualité de vie reliée à la santé pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 au Québec

Amy Cissé, Thomas G. Poder, Jaunathan Bilodeau and Amélie Quesnel-Vallée

Covid-19, Labour Market and Health

How Does Basic Income for the Elderly Affect Health of the Self-employed?

Emma Aguila and Raquel Fonseca

Public Finance, Labour Market and Health

Mistaking immature classroom behaviour with ADHD

Catherine Haeck, Pierre Lefebvre, Geneviève Lefebvre and Philip Merrigan

Education and Health

Immigrant de deuxième génération et citoyen de second ordre ?

Brahim Boudarbat and Idossou Marius Adom

Immigration and Labour Market


The Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO) presents its annual theme for 2016-2017: Infrastructure.

International organizations are formal: all countries must invest more in infrastructure. The objective is to develop and maintain a network of advanced infrastructure to support economic growth.

For developed countries, the main challenge is to face the challenge posed by the ageing of infrastructure, which is sometimes more than a century old. In Quebec, this challenge is particularly acute because of the simultaneous rehabilitation of many infrastructures built in the 1960s and 1970s.

At the public level, risks related to transport infrastructure and risks related to the health system are systematically included in the three most worrying risk categories in 2011, 2013 and 2016.

Events and News


1 to 6 of 102 results

Encadrer les livraisons à domicile : pas aussi simple qu’il n’y paraît

Jean-Philippe Meloche, François Vaillancourt, Martin Trépanier, Brigitte Milord and Feriel Grine


Investir dans la transition écologique des villes tout en préservant la mixité sociale, est-ce possible?

Florian Mayneris

Regional Development and Inequality and Poverty

Répercussions socio-démographiques et retombées fiscales de la réhabilitation et de la mise en valeur du lieu historique national du Canal-de-Lachine

Kristian Behrens, Florian Mayneris and Marlon Seror

Regional Development, Taxation and Fiscal Policy and Territories

Les propriétaires de maisons ont-ils raison de craindre l’arrivée de logements sociaux dans leur quartier ?

Jean Dubé, François Des Rosiers and Nicolas Devaux

Inequality and Poverty, Infrastructures and Territories

Analyse des préférences des résidents-propriétaires de la ville de Québec pour l’aménagement de bassins de rétention à proximité

Maurice Doyon, Stéphane Bergeron and Jacinthe Cloutier

Municipal Affairs and Environment

Towards a multi-stakeholder Intermodal Trade-Transportation Data-Sharing and Knowledge Exchange Network

Alain Dudoit, Molivann Panot and Thierry Warin

Data Sciences and Transport


The Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations (CIRANO) presents its annual theme for 2015-2016: innovation and the economy of sharing.

Innovation, including social innovation, is at the heart of CIRANO's research concerns. Many researchers are studying public policies and identifying the most innovative sectors to ensure that Quebec and Canada remain competitive on the international scene.

The Experimental Economics Laboratory, technological platforms, databases and analytical models developed by CIRANO researchers show that CIRANO is also an actor in innovation. We are currently experiencing changes that are disrupting all sectors. These breakthrough innovations are changing economic models.

We therefore wish to focus on innovation as the driving force of our economy, but also on disruptive innovations that "disrupt" existing models.

Several activities and conferences will be organized on this theme.

Events and News


1 to 6 of 148 results

Innovation and productivity: the recent empirical literature and the state of the art

Jacques Mairesse, Pierre Mohnen and Ad Notten


Le parcours des barons québécois des médias

Pierre Lortie

Digital Transformation

Évolution de la distribution de la productivité des entreprises québécoises entre 2005 et 2019

Benoit Dostie and Genevieve Dufour

Innovation and Digital Transformation

Investissement dans les innovations, croissance de la productivité totale des facteurs et commerce international des PME manufacturières québécoises

Alphonse Singbo, Cokou Patrice Kpadé and Lota Tamini

Strategy and International Economy, World Economy, Innovation and Digital Transformation

Évaluation des compétences numériques dans les emplois au Québec et au Canada

Benoit Aubert, Thierry Warin, Simon Bourdeau, Thibault Sénegas and Jeremy Schneider

Skills and Digital Transformation