CIRANO logos

CIRANO logos and usage of the logo


The CIRANO logo was designed from the very beginning by Marcel Boyer, cofounder of CIRANO, VP and Scientific Director (1993-1998) and CEO (1998-2003).

CIRANO’s logotype represents its official signature in the same manner as its name.

The original version of the logo, in French and in English, contains 3 elements:

  • The "C" symbol
  • The CIRANO label
  • The slogan "Knowledge into Action"

The original version is available in two other versions:

  • A version horizontal without the slogan
  • A vertical version without the slogan

  • A white version (inverted) of each of those logos exists and can be utilized when the logo must appear on a dark background.


    Black and pink are the two colors composing the CIRANO logo.

    Official colorsCIRANO« C » and slogan
    CMYKC=0% M=0% Y=0% K=100%C=7% M=97% Y=41% K=1%
    RGBR=0 G=0 B=0R=218 G=28 B=92
    Web / Hexadecimal#000000#DA1C5C

    Usage of the logo

    The original version of the logo (in color, with the four elements mentioned above) is preferred.

    Depending on the document on which the logo will appear (available space, graphic design…), one of the three available versions must be used.

    When the logo is used on a dark or inappropriate background, the white version (inverted) of one of the three available versions must be used.

    The logo can be used as a greyscale when it applies to a black and white application.

    Authorization for the use of the logo

    The CIRANO logo is available to third parties who must affix it on their documents.

    Usage of the CIRANO logo by a third party must be pre-approved.

    It is forbidden to use and distribute the CIRANO logo without authorization.

    It is strictly forbidden to modify the elements contained in the CIRANO logo.

    Usage of the CIRANO logo is strictly regulated and must not be misleading: no publication must imply that it originates from CIRANO when it is not the case.

    CIRANO reserves the right to request that a third party ceases the use of its logo when it believes its usage is inappropriate, and that, despite prior authorization.