Dernières publications

4 février 2025

Yes, family doctors do move to remote areas. Here’s how

→ View the full report Our provincial healthcare system promises universal and free access, but the distribution of general practitioners makes access to that healthcare unequal. We know that not having timely access to appropriate care can lead to severe health problems, particularly for those more vulnerable. In 1975, the Quebec government introduced incentives that aimed to influence general practitioners on their choice of where to practice. A CIRANO study (Fortin et al., 2025) reveals that the measures introduced, which tried to draw family doctors away from Montreal toward remote areas, appear to have achieved their desired outcome. This is particularly important given that people living in remote or isolated regions often have higher healthcare needs and live further from hospital centres than the general public. 

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The negative effects that restrictive measures have on mental health during health crises

Amy Cissé et Thomas G. Poder

Covid-19 et Santé

État de situation, constatations et pistes de réflexion pour la transformation des services préhospitaliers vers le numérique

Daniel J. Caron, Vincent Nicolini, Alan Bernardi et Aude Motulsky


Encadrer les livraisons à domicile pour réduire les impacts négatifs du commerce de détail électronique dans les villes

Jean-Philippe Meloche, François Vaillancourt, Martin Trépanier, Brigitte Milord et Feriel Grine


Impact des mesures incitatives et coercitives sur le lieu de pratique des nouveaux médecins de famille

Bernard Fortin, Justin Ndoutoumou, Josette Gbeto et Maude Laberge
