Le Québec économique 10 - Chapitre 18 - L’efficacité des programmes de réinsertion sociale pour adultes en milieu carcéral au Québec

Detention facilities in Quebec offer a variety of programs aimed at the social reintegration of the prison population. These programs include employment assistance, self-development, substance abuse, violence management, and academic upgrading. This chapter evaluates the effectiveness of programs offered to prisoners serving less than two years. In Quebec, as in many jurisdictions, offenders serving sentences of more than six months are assessed using the LS/CMI instrument, which establishes a recidivism risk score and the criminogenic needs of each offender. Offenders serving shorter sentences are not assessed. We show that the programs significantly reduce criminal recidivism for inmates assessed with the instrument. Nevertheless, the programs appear to have little effect for individuals with a high risk score, with the exception of the Pathways program, which is specifically designed for this clientele. In addition, inmates who are assessed as having significant procriminal attitude problems don't benefit from program participation, regardless of their risk score.

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