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The 36th edition of the Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA) will be held in Casablanca (Morocco) at the Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Économiques et Sociale Aïn Chock (FSJES-AC) on Thursday, June 6 and Friday, June 7, 2019. This event is organized by the LASAARE (Laboratoire de Statistique Appliquée à l’Analyse et la Recherche en Économie) and the Econométrie Appliquée à l’Analyse et la Modélisation des Comportements Micro et Macro Économiques of the FSJES-AC research team at the Hassan II-Casablanca University.
All original contributions on applied microeconomy theory are welcome: consumption and demand analysis, costs and production, industrial and organizational economy, innovation economy, economy of labour, education, health and family, public economy, spatial and geographic economy, transportation economy, financial microfinancial economy, risk and insurance, development economy, welfare economy, agricultural economy, environment and natural resources economy, legal economy, behavioural and experimental economy, applied microeconomy, etc.
The Revue Économique will dedicate a special issue on the JMA in September 2020.
Submission Process
Only the proposals containing full documentation, including provisional versions, will be examined by the Scientific Committee.
LThe proposals must be submitted online on the following website: https://jma2019.sciencesconf.org
The first page of the document must include: (i) the title, (ii) the name(s) of the author(s), (iii) a summary, (iv) keywords, (v) a JEL classification, (vi) coordinates (surname, name, mailing address, telephone number(s), e-mail address) of the corresponding author.
Important Dates
- The deadline for receipt of proposals is January 31, 2019
- The JMA Scientific Committee will communicate their decisions to the authors before the end of March 2019.
Inaugural Conference
Claude Montmarquette (Université de Montréal and CIRANO)
Job market
Doctoral and post-doctoral candidates who will participate in the next recruiting campaigns will have a chance to be named in the program. In order to facilitate exchanges, the laboratories will also have a chance to add their contact information to the program.
For all additional information, please contact:
- For the organizing committee, Fouzi Mourji : jma2019casablanca@gmail.com
- For the Scientific Committee, David Margolis – David.N.Margolis@gmail.com or Véronique Simonnet – veronique.simonnet@travail.gouv.fr.