05 April 2017

Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin and Ingrid Peignier unveiled the results of an exclusive CIRANO survey on the perception of risks related to food fraud at an international conference on the subject in Québec City on April 4, 2017

In addition to addressing the ten traditional societal issues in the Baromètre CIRANO, the Baromètre CIRANO 2017 addressed a case study specific to food fraud this year. What are the concerns of Quebeckers and their perception of the risks associated with food fraud? What confidence do Quebeckers have in the government for the management of food fraud and the labeling of products? What would be the provisions of Quebeckers to modify their purchasing behavior of food products in the event of a Zero fraud certification?


To view the presentation, click here.


For more information on the Baromètre CIRANO with respect to food fraud, see: https://barometre.cirano.qc.ca/fraude


For more information about the Baromètre CIRANO in general, see: https://barometre.cirano.qc.ca