27 May 2024

Private Residences for Seniors in Quebec: Issues and Opportunities

In Quebec, the COVID-19 pandemic has focused on the precarious situation in which seniors live, particularly housing in long-term care facilities (CHSLDs), housing in intermediate resources and family-type resources (RI-RTF in French) and private residences for seniors (RPAs in French).

The new CIRANO report "Les résidences privées pour aînés (RPA) au Québec : enjeux et opportunités" by Mélanie Bourassa Forcier (Université de Sherbrooke, CIRANO), Dereck Dumont and Hugo Prévosto explores the various RPAs models and discuss the issues that jeopardize access to housing and services in RPAs, the quality of these services, and the very survival of some RPA models.

On the eve of the creation of Santé Québec, the adoption of a real vision of partnership with RPPs, as well as a more open and increased collaboration with healthcare establishments is necessary. The creation of insurance program to cover home care and service expenses deserves serious consideration, concludes Mélanie Bourassa Forcier.

Read the press release

This study received a wide media coverage.

To read the articles :

The author was invited for several radio and television interviews. 

Read the full report