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In the context of the post-COVID economic recovery, the Minister of Finance and Minister of the Economy and Innovation, Mr. Eric Girard, has launched a new call to the academic economists community in July 2021 following the first consultation in 2020 consultation in order to gather proposals related to the sound management of public finances and the role that taxation can play in achieving the government's objectives.
Several CIRANO researchers, including Markus Poschke (McGill University), Bryan Campbell (Concordia University), Michel Magnan (Concordia University), Benoit Perron (University of Montreal), Molivann Panot, Marcel Boyer (University of Montreal), Luc Godbout (University of Sherbrooke), Marcelin Joanis (Polytechnique Montreal), Pierre-Carl Michaud (HEC Montreal), and Miville Tremblay, responded to the call by producing reports on their research projects at CIRANO or at their universities.
Among these project reports, two were produced at CIRANO:
→ Le Québec devrait-il augmenter les taxes à la consommation ? by David Leung and Markus Poschke
→ Modélisation de règles budgétaires pour l’après-COVID by Bryan Campbell, Michel Magnan, Benoit Perron and Molivann Panot
Three were developed at the universities of our researchers:
→ Les règles budgétaires du Québec : réflexions d’un panel d’experts by about twenty experts, including 4 CIRANO researchers and Visiting Fellow: Luc Godbout, Marcelin Joanis, Pierre-Carl Michaud and Miville Tremblay (Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et en finances publiques of Sherbrooke University with the collaboration of CIRANO).
→ Croissance économique et structure fiscale : rappel des principaux constats by Luc Godbout and Suzie St-Cerny (Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et en finances publiques of Sherbrooke University).
→ Les échanges intégrés d’électricité dans le nord-est de l’Amérique by Marcel Boyer (Université de Montréal).