24 September 2018
CEO Seminar: Andrée-Lise Méthot
Ms Andrée-Lise Méthot, Founder and Managing Partner of Cycle Capital Management (CCM), shared her experience during a networking reception gathering researchers and business people. Her presentation was on "Venture capital: powerful lever to drive clean technologies!".
21 September 2018
Workshop: International Environmental Agreements – Bridging the Gap
Organized by CIRANO and CIREQ, this workshop aims at bridging the gap across disciplines and the policy world by engaging researchers in a continuous dialogue.
19 September 2018
Seminar: Price Algorithms and Anticompetitive Practices - A Competition Law Economics Perspective
Frédéric Marty (CNRS - GREDEG - Université Côte d'Azur) presented on unilateral and coordinated practices in competition law.
19 September 2018
External Activity: Electoral Debate on Issues of Public Finance and Taxation in Quebec
The Chaire en fiscalité et finances publiques has invited the four main Quebec political parties to present their vision on the themes of government objectives and public financing, changes in taxation and budget management, and also to present the financial framework foundation for the...