05 December 2019
External Activity: Presentation of the book Le Québec économique 8 during an event of the Association des économistes québécois
Marcelin Joanis, Vice-President of Research and Researcher in charge of the "Le Québec économique" project at CIRANO, Full Professor at Polytechnique Montréal, and Jean-Claude Cloutier, Economist and contributor to the writing of the book Le Québec...
03 December 2019
Conference: Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Products and Technologies - From Silicon Valley to Quebec
CIRANO, the Arbour Foundation and Polytechnique Montreal organized a conference on the theme "Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Products and Technologies - From Silicon Valley to Quebec", presented by Rubén Caballero, Former Vice-President of Engineering at Apple....
03 December 2019
Seminar: Interruption of Secondary and Post Secondary Education in Canada - A Dynamic Analysis
Bernard Fortin (Université Laval and CIRANO) and Safa Ragued presented the results of the CIRANO report "Interruption des études secondaires et postsecondaires au Canada : une analyse dynamique" (co-written with Marcelin Joanis).
29 November 2019
Workshop: Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag
The Joint Montreal Macro Brownbag gives Montreal-based researchers in macroeconomics the opportunity to meet and discuss each others’ work. The event brings together researchers from all economics departments in Montreal and promotes their collaboration.