16 April 2021
Seminar: Montreal Econometrics Seminar 2020-2021
Seminar organized in collaboration with CIREQ and the departments of economics of the universities of Montréal, Québec à Montréal, Concordia and McGill
13 April 2021
Webinar: Macroeconomic Forecasting in the Age of Massive Data and Machine Learning
As part of the events related to the book Le Québec économique 9 : Perspectives et défis de la transformation numérique (Opportunities and Challenges of the Digital Transformation) and the CIRANO Pole on Modeling, CIRANO organized a webinar on the topic of macroeconomic...
09 April 2021
[CANCELLED] Seminar: Montreal Econometrics Seminar 2020-2021
Seminar organized in collaboration with CIREQ and the departments of economics of the universities of Montréal, Québec à Montréal, Concordia and McGill
31 March 2021
Webinar: Normative and Contractual Framework for Teleconsultation Practices in Primary Care Clinics
Mélanie Bourassa Forcier (Université de Sherbrooke) and Maude Laberge (Université Laval), both CIRANO Researchers, presented the results of the CIRANO report "Encadrement normatif et contractuel des pratiques de téléconsultation en clinique de première...