15 October 2021
Webinar : Workforce modeling in the health and education sectors
Marie Connolly (CIRANO and ESG UQAM), Marc-Antoine Dionne and Catherine Haeck (CIRANO and ESG UQAM) presented the highlights of the CIRANO report « Modélisation des effectifs dans les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation ». This webinar is part of...
05 October 2021
Webinar: The appropriation trajectory as a lever for the use of new technologies in health care organizations and services to populations
Alejandro Romero-Torres (UQAM and CIRANO) presented the highlights of the CIRANO report "La trajectoire d'appropriation comme levier de l'utilisation des nouvelles technologies dans les organisations de soins et services aux populations" (co-authored with Lise...
16 September 2021
External Activity: Conference of Montreal of the International Economic Forum of the Americas
CIRANO co-organized a panel with Forum IA Québec and Labour Market Partners Board on the conditions for an effective and responsible use of AI at the Conference of Montreal of the International Economic Forum of the Americas on September 16, 2021. Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin was among...
10 September 2021
Federal Election lunch debate 2021
The Chair of Taxation and Public Finance invites you to its online federal election 2021 lunch debate on September 10, 2021 from noon to 1:30 pm.