13 October 2022
Workshop - Economic Challenges of Demographic Inequalities
This workshop, organized by Raquel Fonseca (ESG-UQAM and CIRANO) and Marie-Louise Leroux (ESG-UQAM and CIRANO), is on research related to the economic challenges of demographic inequalities. The presentations are related to gender inequalities, intergenerational inequalities, income and wealth...
12 October 2022
Webinaire Bourstad: Intégrer une simulation Bourstad en éducation financière
Un webinaire Bourstad créé spécialement pour les enseignants! Sujets traités dans ce webinaire : facteurs ayant un impact sur la littératie financière, modèles d'intégration pédagogique, fonctionnement de base des...
11 October 2022
Gérard Parizeau 2022 Award - Economic Uncertainty, Extreme Risk and Financial Markets
René Garcia, winner of the 2022 Gérard-Parizeau Award, will give a public conference on October 11, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. at HEC Montréal on the occasion of the official presentation of the award. The Gérard-Parizeau Award recognizes the outstanding contribution of a...
29 September 2022
Bourstad webinar: Bourstad program for high schools and post-secondary colleges
A Bourstad webinar created especially for teachers! Content of this webinar : types of Bourstad simulation; what defines a Bourstad simulation; benefits of a school registration to the Bourstad Program; support for participants and teachers.