08 May 2023
External Activity : ACFAS 2023 - symposium Inequality and Poverty : How Evidence-Based Data can Inform Public Policies
Markus Poschke, Associate Professor at Concordia University, and Raquel Fonseca, Full Professor at ESG-UQAM, both Main researchers of the CIRANO research theme Inequality and Poverty are the organizers of a session at the 90th ACFAS Conference on May 8, 2023. Many CIRANO researchers will...
05 May 2023
Women in Economics: Second edition
The Department of Economics of Université Laval, in collaboration with CIRANO, hold the second edition of the event "Women in Economics". The event took place on May 5, 2023, in the presence of Julie Gingras, Deputy Minister of Finance.
01 May 2023
Bourstad Webinar : Career choices for graduates in the financial services industry
In this webinar, experts Benoit Desgroseillers, Senior Director, Talent Development, Finance Montreal and other representatives of CIRANO partners will addresse various topics that may impact the industry's workforce needs: The lasting impacts of the pandemic for this...
28 April 2023
CIRANO-CIREQ Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
This workshop is addressed to researchers and PhD students in economics interested in natural resource and environmental economics.  This interdisciplinary day on April 28, 2023 will host six presentations on the theme of environmental justice: Kian Mintz-Woo (University of Cork), Shi-Ling...