29 September 2009
CEO Seminar: Réjean Robitaille
Mr Réjean Robitaille, President and Chief Executive Officer of Banque Laurentienne, shared his experience during a networking reception gathering researchers and business people. His presentation was on "Growth objective: stand out with bold strategies".
25 September 2009
Seminar: CIREQ-CIRANO Montreal Econometrics Seminar
Paul Embrechts (ETH Zurich), Meta Densities and the Shape of Their Sample Clouds
16 September 2009
Leadership for Tomorrow Forum: François Dupuis (Desjardins Group)
The Leadership for Tomorrow Future Forum brings together a dozen companies each month, along with researchers and experts, to discuss leadership, governance and sustainability issues.
11 September 2009
Roundtable: CIRANO's Back to Business "Environment" Event
(Sans texte)