26 January 2012
Leadership for Tomorrow Forum: Daniel Hertsberg (Rio Tinto Alcan)
The Leadership for Tomorrow Future Forum brings together a dozen companies each month, along with researchers and experts, to discuss leadership, governance and sustainability issues.
17 January 2012
Seminar: Accounting for the Environment in a System of National Accounts
Professor Paul J. Thomassin (McGill), CIRANO Fellow, organized this seminar bringing together international experts on environmental accounting from institutions based in Washington, D.C., Copenhagen, and Ottawa.
07 December 2011
CIRANO-PRMIA Luncheon: Ruslan Goyenko
CIRANO and PRMIA are jointly organizing this series of lunches on developments in Canadian risk management. These lunches give practitioners of the financial institutions the opportunity to present their approaches and developments in the field of risk management.
30 November 2011
Conference: The euro, a Greek tragedy or the future of Europe?
As part of the Year of International Affairs, Thierry Warin (École Polytechnique, Middlebury College, CIRANO) hosted a lunch conference at CIRANO on November 30.