
Human Resources Forum

Theme: Hiring Discriminations

Tuesday 10 Nov 2020
From 10:30AM To 12PM


CIRANO invited its partners to an exclusive Human Resources Forum on the theme of "Hiring Discriminations".


Claude Montmarquette, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Economics at the Université de Montréal, and Brahim Boudarbat, Full Professor in the School of Industrial Relations of the Université de Montréal, both CIRANO Researchers and Fellows, presented their study "Name as a Factor in Hiring Discrimination: Results from an Experimental Study".


This study focuses on the issue of employers' behaviour at the time of hiring by carrying out a laboratory experiment in the form of a survey conducted among future recruiters in order to find out how they perceive the problem of professional integration of immigrants and to highlight the factors they consider important when hiring.


This presentation was followed by a period of exchange of ideas, experiences and knowledge with partners.

Brahim Boudarbat

A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow since 2004, Brahim Boudarbat is Full Professor in the School of Industrial Relations of the Université de Montréal. He is also Director of the Observatoire de la Francophonie économique de l'Université de Montréal, a Fellow of the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) and a member of the Expert Committee of the Labour Market Information Council.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the Université de Montréal, he is interested in issues related to immigration, post-secondary education, income inequality and working conditions of Canadians. In particular, his research interests and work focus on the integration of immigrants into the labour market in Quebec and Canada, career choices by young Canadians, income distribution, income gaps between men and women, the return on education, overqualification in the job, the use of languages at work and their remuneration in Quebec, the brain drain, indicators of job quality. He is also interested in the education and vocational training systems and youth employment in Morocco.

Brahim Boudarbat is the author of numerous articles and reports on the labour market. He has conducted studies for several organizations, including the Quebec Ministry of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion, Emploi-Québec, the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail (Quebec) and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. He also participated in the drafting of the 2016 Arab Human Development Report for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

Prior to his current position, Brahim Boudarbat was a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in the Department of Economics at the University of British Columbia (UBC). He was also Director of the Data Centre of the Université de Montréal, a member organization of the Quebec Inter-University Centre for Social Statistics (QICSS). From 1991 to 1998, Brahim Boudarbat was responsible for employment policies and the monitoring of the professional integration of graduates within the Ministry of Vocational Training in Morocco.

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Claude Montmarquette


A CIRANO Researcher and Fellow from 1994 to 2021, Claude Montmarquette was Emeritus Professor in the Department of Economics at the Université de Montréal.

Holding a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago, he held the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec Chair in Experimental Economics at the Université de Montréal and was President and CEO of CIRANO for more than seven years.

Over the course of his career, Professor Montmarquette has been a visiting professor at several universities. He has chaired and participated in numerous committees for the Government of Quebec and has served on many others, both nationally and internationally. He was an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (1998) and a Member of the Order of Canada in 2013. He also received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal the same year. Claude Montmarquette received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from McGill University in 2013. In 2016, he was appointed Commander of the Order of Montreal. In 2019, he was named an Officer of the Ordre National du Québec and received the Gérard Parizeau Prize for his work in educational economics.

He is the author or editor of 11 books, 90 scientific articles, and more than 60 public policy papers.

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