24 March 2023
External activity: Sustainable development day at UQTR
Dans le cadre de la 11e édition des Journées Internationales de la Francophonie en Mauricie, l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) organise une Journée sur le développement durable.  L’objectif est de mettre en...
21 March 2023
External Activity: SUV Purchase Motivations and Usage Across Canada (français)
Light trucks are increasingly present in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada. Équiterre mandated CIRANO to explore what motivates people to buy this type of vehicle, the typical profile of buyers and the actual use they make of their vehicle. During this conference, Ingrid Peignier, Senior...
14 March 2023
Bourstad webinar: Challenges and Opportunities in Supply Chain Management
This webinar will start with a presentation of 2 basic concepts in supply chain management: the industrial structure and the value chain. Experts Thierry Warin, Professor HEC Montreal and CIRANO Fellow and Paul Bourget, CIRANO Project Director will then address the current challenges will then...
10 March 2023
CIRANO-CIREQ Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
This workshop is addressed to researchers and PhD students in economics interested in natural resource and environmental economics.  The March 10 workshop will feature Louis Hotte, professor, University of Ottawa and Moubarak Mondou, PhD, Université Laval.