Encadrer les livraisons à domicile pour réduire les impacts négatifs du commerce de détail électronique dans les villes


Online retailing is a growing phenomenon that is leading to an increase in home deliveries, generating large volumes of GHG emissions. The logistical footprint is a growing concern in cities, particularly in dense urban areas where space, congestion and pollution are major issues.

In this report, the authors examine the environmental impacts, congestion and conflicts of use of public roads caused by home parcel deliveries. Their analysis draws on several sources of information, including a survey of the population of the Montreal census metropolitan area (CMA) in the spring of 2024, data provided by the City of Montreal to estimate the volume and type of parcels circulating on the island of Montreal, and consultations with key stakeholders in the Montreal delivery industry.

Their analyses suggest that, on average, more than 900,000 home deliveries are made every day in the Montreal CMA. People receive an average of 2.62 parcels per week, including home deliveries of meals and parcels delivered for personal consumption to places of employment. The consumption habits of new generations who, in the years to come, will have children and eventually experience mobility constraints suggest that e-commerce will continue to gain market share and for a long period.

What can be done to mitigate the impact? A specific fee for deliveries does not appear to be an attractive option. Investment in urban logistics infrastructure, as has been the case in Europe and Asia for many years now, appears to offer interesting benefits, particularly if people access them by active modes. Large-scale kilometer-based pricing could also be an approach to consider. 

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