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Quebec and eco-taxation : Research results and experience sharing (free invitation)

Symposium organized by CIRANO and CERGO

ENAP Montreal

Wednesday 1 Nov 2023
From 8:30AM To 4:30PM

The detailed program for the day is available in the Resources tab and at this link.

There are significant costs to governments in addressing and adapting to climate change. Changes in economic conditions over the past two years have created an uncertain environment that complicates decision-making and contributes to increasing the bill every day for future generations. While financial resources are difficult to mobilize, municipal, provincial and federal governments are all looking for solutions.

A number of academic research studies show the potential of eco-fiscal measures to achieve climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives. However, the implementation of these tools remains rare in Quebec, although some projects have emerged in recent years, supported by research groups, non-profit organizations and municipalities. Is this modest effervescence the beginning of a shift towards eco-taxation in Quebec ?

The symposium will be a unique opportunity to present research results and draw the most relevant lessons from experiments carried out at various scales, including by municipalities. Control of greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable mobility and conservation of natural environments will be discussed. The symposium will bring together about 10 speakers from the research and practice communities at the municipal level.

Places are limited, so we recommend you register early.

The event will be held in French, with a session in English.

This symposium is organized by CIRANO and CERGO with the support of Union des municipalités du Québec.


Gormanns, Nina
Director, Fiscalité et politique environnementales, Finance Canada
Lanoie, Paul
Retired professor, HEC Montréal
Formerly Commissioner for Sustainable Development, Bureau du Vérificateur général du Québec
Latulippe, Adam
Director, Ecotaxation, Local and Indigenous Policies, Ministère des Finances du Québec (MFQ)
Latulippe, Lyne
Full Professor, Université de Sherbrooke
Main Researcher, Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et finances publiques (UdeS)
Lemay, Jean-Philippe
Project manager in ecotaxation, Société pour la nature et les parcs - SNAP Québec
Marquis-Bissonnette, Maude
Assistant Professor, École nationale d'administration publique (ÉNAP)
Researcher, Centre de recherche sur la gouvernance (CERGO)
Martin, Noémie
PhD student, Université de Montréal
Meloche, Jean-Philippe
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Full Professor, Université de Montréal
Ph.D., Geography, Université de Montréal
Mitton, Christine
Head of government affairs, Ville de Laval
Mondou, Matthieu
Advisor to the Advisory Committee on Climate Change, Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte aux changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec
Prémont, Marie-Claude
Full Professor, École nationale d'administration publique (ÉNAP)
Researcher, Centre de recherche sur la gouvernance (CERGO)
Roy, Sébastien
General Manager, Ville de Varennes
Sancton, Andrew
Emeritus Professor, University of Western Ontario
Tremblay-Racicot, Fanny
Associate Professor, École nationale d'administration publique (ÉNAP)
Director, Centre de recherche sur la gouvernance (CERGO)
Vaillancourt, François
CIRANO Researcher and Fellow
Emeritus Professor, Université de Montréal
Ph.D., Economics, Queen's University


8:30 - 9:00
Welcome of participants - Coffee and pastries
9:00 - 9:05
Welcoming address
Fanny Tremblay-Racicot
9:05 - 9:30
Opening address
Nina Gormanns, Adam Latulippe
9:30 - 10:15
Opening keynote
Andrew Sancton
10:15 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
Moderating transportation and GHG emissions with eco-tax measures
François Vaillancourt, Lyne Latulippe, Noémie Martin, Matthieu Mondou
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:30
Ecotaxation and land use
Paul Lanoie, Marie-Claude Prémont, Fanny Tremblay-Racicot, Jean-Philippe Meloche
14:30 - 14:45
14:45 - 16:15
Initiatives of municipalities
Sébastien Roy, Jean-Philippe Lemay, Christine Mitton, Maude Marquis-Bissonnette
16:15 - 16:30
Closing remarks


4750 Av. Henri-Julien, Montréal, QC H2T 2C8, Canada