
Real estate finance, mortgage-backed securities pricing, commercial and residential market risk management, modeling of aggressive lending practices, risk management for publicly traded real estate companies, mortgage and equity securitization, mortgage default risk


CIRANO Publications by Andrey Pavlov

As an author

1 to 4 of 4 results

Création de valeur, gestion de risque et options réelles

Marcel Boyer, Peter Christoffersen, Pierre Lasserre and Andrey Pavlov

Risk Management and Human Resources

Value creation, risk management, and real options

Marcel Boyer, Peter Christoffersen, Pierre Lasserre and Andrey Pavlov

Risk Management

Company Flexibility, the Value of Management and Managerial Compensation

Peter Christoffersen and Andrey Pavlov


Value Creation through Real Options Management

Marcel Boyer, Peter Christoffersen, Pierre Lasserre and Andrey Pavlov