26 March 2024
Webinaire Bourstad : La transition vers un secteur alimentaire bioalimentaire durable et innovant
As part of the "Accelerating the transition to a sustainable and innovative biofood sector" thematic year, Thierry Warin, CIRANO Researcher and Fellow  presented the many issues at stake.
21 March 2024
Data Science for Saint Lawrence-Great Lakes: Innovation and Collaboration
Once again this year, globalization is tinged with a high degree of uncertainty, due in particular to geopolitical turmoil, the difficult post-pandemic recovery and the rapid evolution of climate change. The St. Lawrence-Great Lakes macro-region (SLGL) alone accounts for $6,000 billion in GDP,...
15 March 2024
CIRANO-CIREQ Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
This workshop on natural resource and environmental economics hosted Rémi Generoso, Senior Lecturer in Economics at Lille University, and Ekaterina Alekhanova, Ph.D. candidate at Carleton University.
07 March 2024
Bourstad webinar : Sustaining investment in the Bourstad Challenge
In this webinar, Thomas Estinès, co-director of the Groupe Investissement responsable (GIR), presented shareholder proposals, a responsible investment strategy that GIR has been practicing for several years. Mr. Estinès also presented the main challenges of responsible investment. At...