28 September 2022
Webinaire Bourstad: Programme Bourstad pour les écoles secondaires et les cégeps
Un webinaire Bourstad créé spécialement pour les enseignants! Sujets traités dans ce webinaire : types de simulations Bourstad; caractéristiques d'une simulation Bourstad; avantages conférés par l'inscription au programme Bourstad;...
27 September 2022
En avant math! Forum
For the past three years, the Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM) and CIRANO have been collaborating to establish a strategy to foster the development of a highly qualified workforce in applied mathematics for advanced fields. The national initiative «En avant math!»,...
23 September 2022
Workshop in Memory of Professor Ngo Van Long
This two-day workshop is organized in honor of Ngo Van Long, who received a Ph.D. in economics from the Australian National University, he was a professor in the Department of Economics at McGill University and a CIRANO Fellow. Professor Long has made significant and lasting contributions in...
20 September 2022
External activity: On the road to the 2022 Quebec elections
To conclude the activity En route vers les élections du Québec 2022 : les enjeux de finances publiques, the Chaire en Fiscalité et Finances Publiques (CFFP) presents an electoral debate on public finance and taxation issues. A candidate from each of the main political parties...