22 February 2007
CEO Seminar: Daniel Lamarre
Mr Daniel Lamarre, President and Chief Executive Officer of Cirque du Soleil, shared his experience during a networking reception gathering researchers and business people. His presentation was on "Managers and Saltimbanques".
07 February 2007
CIRANO-PRMIA Luncheon: Sylvie Monette-Houle
CIRANO and PRMIA are jointly organizing this series of lunches on developments in Canadian risk management. These lunches give practitioners of the financial institutions the opportunity to present their approaches and developments in the field of risk management.
26 January 2007
Leadership for Tomorrow Forum: Hubert Saint-Onge (SaintOnge Alliance)
The Leadership for Tomorrow Future Forum brings together a dozen companies each month, along with researchers and experts, to discuss leadership, governance and sustainability issues.
14 December 2006
CIRANO-PRMIA Luncheon: Pierre Fortin
CIRANO and PRMIA are jointly organizing this series of lunches on developments in Canadian risk management. These lunches give practitioners of the financial institutions the opportunity to present their approaches and developments in the field of risk management.