16 November 2011
Conference: Charles Sirois, Telesystem Ltd.
On November 16, Charles Sirois, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Telesystem Ltd., spoke about "ENABLIS: An entrepreneurial network that is proving its worth in developing countries".  
08 November 2011
Leadership for Tomorrow Forum: Sylvain Lafrance (CBC)
The Leadership for Tomorrow Future Forum brings together a dozen companies each month, along with researchers and experts, to discuss leadership, governance and sustainability issues.
02 November 2011
Conference: Health, everyone's concern
CIRANO, in collaboration with the Institut du Nouveau Monde (INM) and the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation (CHSRF), organized a Conference on Health Services Funding titled “"Health, everyone's concern"”.
31 October 2011
Conference: Interactive Atlas of chronic diseases
Alain Vanasse, Université de Sherbrooke, spoke about the Interactive Atlas of chronic diseases. This system allows to directly question the variables in a population-health perspective and geographical characteristics of the population.